Lincoln Laboratory Journal Archives
Volume 22, Number 1 – 2016
Volume 21, Number 1 – 2014 ›
Volume 20, Number 2 - 2014 ›
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Volume 20, Number 1 - 2013 ›
Volume 19, Number 2 - 2012 ›
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Volume 19, Number 1 - 2011 ›
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Volume 18, Number 2 - 2010 ›

Volume 18, Number 1 - 2009 ›

Volume 17, Number 2 - 2008 ›

Volume 17, Number 1 - 2007 ›

- Meeting the Chem–Bio Defense Challenge
- Advanced Trigger Development
- Rapid Sensors for Biological-Agent Identification
- Early Warning Chemical Sensing
- Health Surveillance and Diagnosis for Mitigating a Bioterror Attack
- Modeling Responses to Anthrax and Smallpox Attacks
- Protecting Buildings against Airborne Contamination
- Information Fusion and Response Guidance
- Recovery of Organisms and Nucleic Acids from Complex Samples
- Addressing the Multicore Trend with Automatic Parallelization
Special Issue: Chemical and Biological Defense
Volume 16, Number 2 - 2007 ›

- Integrated Sensing and Decision Support
- Silent Hammer
- Air Traffic Management Decision Support During Convective Weather
- The Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
- Decision Support in Space Situational Awareness
- Virtual Hammer
- Enhanced Regional Situation Awareness
- A New Compact Facility for Antenna and Radar Target Measurements
- CCD Imager Development for Astronomy
- Applying Publish-Subscribe to Communications-on-the-Move Node Control
- Science on Saturdays
Volume 16, Number 1 - 2006 ›

- Air Traffic Control at Lincoln Laboratory
- Advances in Operational Weather Radar Technology
- Advanced Aviation Weather Forecasts
- Corridor Integrated Weather System
- Integrating Advanced Weather Forecast Technologies into Air Traffic Management Decision Support
- Surveillance Accuracy Requirements in Support of Separation Services
- Operational Evaluation of Runway Status Lights
- Real-Time 3D Ladar Imaging
- Interactive Grid Computing at Lincoln Laboratory
- Superconducting Nanowire Photon-Counting Detectors for Optical Communications
- Science on Saturday
Volume 15, Number 2 - 2005 ›

- The EO-1 Mission and the Advanced Land Imager
- The EO-1 Advanced Land Imager: An Overview
- Advanced Land Imager: Mechanical Design, Integration, and Testing
- An Automated Ground Data Acquisition and Processing System for the Advanced Land Imager
- Spectral and Radiometric Calibration of the Advanced Land Imager
- Spatial Calibration and Imaging Performance Assessment of the Advanced Land Imager
- A Gallery of Images from the Advanced Land Imager
- Examples of EO-1 Hyperion Data Analysis
- Neural Network Applications in High-Resolution Atmospheric Remote Sensing
- Circular Polarization and Nonreciprocal Propagation in Magnetic Media
- New Measures of Effectiveness for Human Language Technology
Volume 15, Number 1 - 2005 ›

- Standoff Acoustic Laser Technique to Locate Buried Land Mines
- Jigsaw: A Foliage-Penetrating 3D Imaging Laser Radar System
- Simulation of 3D Laser Radar Systems
- Pose-Independent Automatic Target Detection and Recognition Using 3D Laser Radar Imagery
- Iterative Demodulation and Decoding for Protected Satellite Communications
- MIMO Wireless Communication
Volume 14, Number 2 - 2003 ›

- Interference Mitigation Approaches for the Global Positioning System
- Software Technologies for High-Performance Parallel Signal Processing
- Detection and Discovery of Near-Earth Asteroids by the LINEAR Program
- Recent Trends in Optical Lithography
- Subwavelength Optical Lithography with Phase-Shift Photomasks
Volume 14, Number 1 - 2003 ›

- Spectral Imaging for Remote Sensing
- Compensation of Hyperspectral Data for Atmospheric Effects
- A Survey of Spectral Unmixing Algorithms
- Hyperspectral Image Processing for Automatic Target Detection Applications
- Hyperspectral Imaging System Modeling
- Active Spectral Imaging
- Multisensor Fusion with Hyperspectral Imaging Data: Detection and Classification
Volume 13, Number 2 - 2002 ›

- Classification and Tracking of Moving Ground Vehicles
- Toward Operational Space-Based Space Surveillance
- Geiger-Mode Avalanche Photodiodes for Three-Dimensional Imaging
- Three-Dimensional Imaging Laser Radars with Geiger-Mode Avalanche Photodiode Arrays
Volume 12, Number 2 - 2000 ›

- Radar and MIT Lincoln Laboratory: A View from a Distance
- Radar Development at Lincoln Laboratory: An Overview of the First Fifty Years
- Early Advances in Radar Technology for Aircraft Detection
- Distant Early Warning Line Radars: The Quest for Automatic Signal Detection
- Long-Range UHF Radars for Ground Control of Airborne Interceptors
- Radars for the Detection and Tracking of Ballistic Missiles, Satellites, and Planets
- Radars for Ballistic Missile Defense Research
- Wideband Radar for Ballistic Missile Defense and Range-Doppler Imaging of Satellites
- Displaced-Phase-Center Antenna Technique
- Radar Signal Processing
- The Development of Phased-Array Radar Technology
- Tactical Radars for Ground Surveillance
- Radars for the Detection and Tracking of Cruise Missiles
- Weather Radar Development and Application Programs
- Development of Coherent Laser Radar at Lincoln Laboratory
- Widgets and Wonders: Lincoln Laboratory’s Unique Radar Hardware Legacy
Volume 12, Number 1 - 2000 ›

- Detection of Biological Agents
- Meteor Shower Characterization at Kwajalein Missile Range
- Equatorial Atmospheric and Ionospheric Modeling at Kwajalein Missile Range
- Information Survivability for Mobile Wireless Systems
Volume 11, Number 2 - 1998 ›

- Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Coding
- Photonic-Crystal Antenna Substrates
- An Architecture for Semi-Automated Radar Image Exploitation
- The Space-Based Visible Program
Volume 11, Number 1 - 1998 ›

10th Anniversary Issue
- Atmospheric Compensation and Tracking Using Active Illumination
- The Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) Program
- Solid-State Color Night Vision: Fusion of Low-Light Visible and Thermal Infrared Imagery
Volume 10, Number 2 - 1997 ›

- The Development of Superresolution at Lincoln Laboratory
- Airborne Signal Intercept for Wide-Area Battlefield Surveillance
- Utilizing Waveform Features for Adaptive Beamforming and Direction Finding with Narrowband Signals
- Superresolution Source Location with Planar Arrays
- High-Definition Vector Imaging
- Enhanced Imagery Using Spectral-Estimation-Based Techniques
- The Automatic Target-Recognition System in SAIP
- Ultra-Wideband Coherent Processing
Volume 10, Number 1 - 1997 ›

- Theory and Experimental Results of a New Diamond Surface-Emission Cathode
- Photolithography at 193 nm
- Automated English-Korean Translation for Enhanced Coalition Communications
Volume 9, Number 2 - 1996 ›

- Space-Time Adaptive Processing on the Mesh Synchronous Processor
- Nonconventional 3D Imaging Using Wavelength-Dependent Speckle
- Improved Localization of Energy Deposition in Adaptive Phased-Array Hyperthermia Treatment of Cancer
- Micro Air Vehicles for Optical Surveillance
Volume 9, Number 1 - 1996 ›

Special Issue: Spectral Imaging
- A Terrestrial Air Link for Evaluating Dual-Polarization Techniques in Satellite Communications
- Superconductivity for Improved Microwave Ferrite Devices
- High-Tc Superconductive Wideband Compressive Receivers
Volume 8, Number 2 - 1995 ›

- Automatic Language Identification of Telephone Speech
- Toolkit for Image Mining: User-Trainable Search Tools
- Fabrication and Theory of Diamond Emitters
- Automatic Speaker Recognition Using Gaussian Mixture Speaker Models
Volume 8, Number 1 - 1995 ›

- Laser Vibration Sensing
- Fourier-Space Image Restoration
- Effects of Polarization and Resolution on the Performance of a SAR Automatic Target Recognition System
Volume 7, Number 2 - 1994 ›

Special Issue: Air Traffic Control
- Air Traffic Control Development at Lincoln Laboratory
- Preventing Runway Conflicts: The Role ofAirport Surveillance, Tower-Cab Alerts, and Runway-Status Lights
- Demonstration of Runway Status Lights at Logan Airport
- Performance of the Runway-Status Light System at Logan Airport
- Evaluation of Runway Assignment and Aircraft Sequencing Algorithms in Terminal Area Automation
- A Self-Organizational Approach for Resolving Air Traffic Conflicts
- Machine Intelligence for ATC Equipment Maintenance
- GPS-Squitter: System Concept, Performance, and Development Program
- TCAS: Maneuvering Aircraft in the Horizontal Plane
- Mode S Data-Link Applications for General Aviation
- Precision Runway Monitor
- The ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card (9-PAC)
- Supporting the Deployment of the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR)
- Automated Microburst Wmd-Shear Prediction
- Automated Storm Tracking for Terminal Air Traffic Control
- The Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS)
- The Integrated Terminal Weather System Terminal Winds Product
Volume 7, Number 1 - 1994 ›

- Non-Cooperative Identification of Ships with Electrooptical Data
- Digital Signal Processing Applications in Cochlear Implant Research
- Discrimination Performance Requirements for Ballistic Missile Defense
- An Automatic Face Recognition System Using the Adaptive Clustering Network
Volume 6, Number 2 - 1993 ›

- Integrated Use of GPS and GLONASS in Civil Aviation
- LNKnet: Neural Network, Machine-Learning, and Statistical Software for Pattern Classification
- An Adaptive-Focusing Algorithm for a Microwave Planar Phased-Array Hyperthermia System
- An Automatic Ship Classification System for ISAR Imagery
Volume 6, Number 1 - 1993 ›

- An Overview of Automatic Target Recognition
- Performance of a High-Resolution Polarimetric SAR Automatic Target Recognition System
- Discriminating Targets from Clutter
- Improving a Template-Based Classifier in a SAR Automatic Target Recognition System by Using 3-D Target Information
- Neural Systems for Automatic Target Learning and Recognition
- Multidimensional Automatic Target Recognition System Evaluation
- An Efficient MRF Image-Restoration Technique Using Deterministic Scale-Based Optimization
- Machine Intelligent Automatic Recognition of Critical Mobile Targets in Laser Radar Imagery
- Machine Intelligent Gust Front Detection
- Extracting Target Features from Angle-Angle and Range-Doppler Images
Volume 5, Number 3 - 1992 ›

Special Issue: Superresolution
- The TRADEX Multitarget Tracker
- The NOMAC and Rake Systems
- Advanced Techniques for Target Discrimination Using Laser Speckle
- Super-Resolution Methods for Wideband Radar
Volume 5, Number 2 - 1992 ›

- An Adaptive Nulling Antenna for Military Satellite Communications
- Real-Time Radar Image Understanding: A Machine-Intelligence Approach
- Adaptive Nulling in the Hyperthermia Treatment of Cancer
- A 35-GHz Beam Waveguide System for the Millimeter-Wave Radar
- Scaled Atmospheric Blooming Experiments (SABLE)
Volume 5, Number 1 - 1992 ›

- Adaptive Optics Research at Lincoln Laboratory
- Atmospheric-Turbulence Compensation Experiments Using Cooperative Beacons
- Sodium-layer Synthetic Beacons for Adaptive Optics
- Atmospheric-Turbulence Compensation Experiments Using Synthetic Beacons
- Adaptive Optics for Astronomy
- The SWAT Wavefront Sensor
- The Theory of Compensated Laser Propagation through Strong Thermal Blooming
- Thermal-Blooming Laboratory Experiments
Volume 4, Number 2 - 1991 ›

Special Issue: Superresolution
- A Laser-Restructurable Logic Array for Rapid Integrated Circuit Prototyping
- The Early History of Reentry Physics Research at Lincoln Laboratory
- Development of a Mesospheric Sodium Laser Beacon for Atmospheric Adaptive Optics
- Airport Surface Traffic Automation
- A Neural Network Architecture for General Image Recognition
Volume 4, Number 1 - 1991 ›

- Wafer-Scale lntegration of a Large Systolic Array for Adaptive Nulling
- High-Speed Optical Interconnections for Digital Systems
- Techniques for Information Retrieval from Speech Messages
- The Development, Variations, and Applications of an EHF Dual-Band Feed
Volume 3, Number 3 - 1990 ›

- Laser Development at Lincoln Laboratory
- Two-Dimensional Surface-Emitting Arrays of GaAs/AlGaAs Diode Lasers
- Microlens Integration with Diode Lasers and Coherent Phase Locking of Laser Arrays
- III-V Diode Lasers for New Emission Wavelengths
- Diode-Pumped Solid State Lasers
- Microchip Lasers
- Titanium Sapphire Lasers
- Fast Electro-Optic Wavelength Selection and Frequency Modulation in Solid State Lasers
- Ultrastable CO2 Lasers
Volume 3, Number 2 - 1990 ›

- A History of Vocoder Research at Lincoln Laboratory
- The Airborne Seeker Test Bed
- Beam Path Conditioning for High-Power Laser Systems
- A Space-Qualified Transmitter System for Heterodyne Optical Communications
- Optimal Processing of Polarimetric Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imagery
- An Ultralow-Sidelobe Adaptive Array Antenna
- The Best Approximation of Radar Signal Amplitude and Delay
Volume 3, Number 1 - 1990 ›

- A New Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy Reactor for Highly Uniform Epitaxy
- Near-Field Testing of Adaptive Radar Systems
- Speech Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
- Estimating the Fractal Dimension of Chaotic Time Series
- Range-Doppler Imaging with a Laser Radar
- A Radar for Unmanned Air Vehicles
Volume 2, Number 3 - 1989 ›

- Air Traffic Control Development at Lincoln Laboratory
- The Mode S Beacon Radar System
- Advances in Primary-Radar Technology
- Multisensor Surveillance for Improved Aircraft Tracking
- Propagation of Mode S Beacon Signals on the Airport Surface
- Parallel Runway Monitor
- TCAS: A System for Preventing Midair Collisions
- Multipath Modeling for Simulating the Performance of the Microwave Landing System
- Modeling of Air-to-Air Visual Acquisition
- Wind Shear Detection with Pencil-Beam Radars
- Wind Shear Detection with Airport Surveillance Radars
- Experimental Examination of the Benefits of Improved Terminal Air Traffic Control Planning
- Applying Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Air Traffic Control Automation
- Using Aircraft Radar Tracks to Estimate Winds Aloft
Volume 2, Number 2 - 1989 ›

- Tomographic Techniques Applied to Laser Radar Reflective Measurements
- Dynamic Error Compensation of Analog-to-Digital Converters
- Using Molecular-Beam Epitaxy to Fabricate Quantum-Well Devices
- Speckle Imaging through the Atmosphere
- An Interactive Plotting and Data-Analysis Package for the IBM PC
- Colonel Richard's Game
- The Kiernan Reentry Measurements System on Kwajalein Atoll
- Machine Intelligence Technology for Automatic Target Recognition
Volume 2, Number 1 - 1989 ›

- Early Work at Lincoln Laboratory on GaAs Semiconductor Devices
- Thirty Years of Research and Development in Space Communications at Lincoln Laboratory
- Using Langmuir Probes to Measure Ion Velocities in Pyrotechnic Plasmas
- A Compact Programmable Array Processor
- A Generic Architecture for Wafer-Scale Neuromorphic SystemsA Generic Architecture for Wafer-Scale Neuromorphic Systems
- Mass-Transported GaInAsP/InP Lasers
- Design of a Real-Time Imaging and Discrimination System
- Adaptive-Optics Compensation through a High-Gain Raman Amplifier
Volume 1, Number 2 - 1988 ›

- Lightweight Mirror Structures for Mechanical Beam Steering
- An Algorithm for the Evaluation of Radar Propagation in the Spherical Earth Diffraction Region
- Speech Processing Based on a Sinusoidal Model
- Intersatellite Optical Heterodyne Communication Systems
- In Situ Technologies for Semiconductor Patterning
- Analysis of Satellite Drag
- Coherent Laser Beam Addition: An Application of Binary-Optics Technology
Volume 1, Number 1 - 1988 ›

- The First "Switchboard In the Sky": An Alltonomous Satellite-Based Access/Resource Controller
- The Synchronous Processor
- Microchannel Heat Sinks
- Characteristics of Microbursts in the Continental United States
- Space Surveillance With Medium-Wave Infrared Sensors
- Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Resonant-Tunneling Devices
- Neural Network Classifiers for Speech Recognition