Annual Report

The Annual Report summarizes Lincoln Laboratory's technical accomplishments, technology transfer activities, administrative initiatives, and community involvement during the past year.
The Lincoln Laboratory Journal

The Lincoln Laboratory Journal reports on work performed at Lincoln Laboratory and provides a vehicle by which to share a portion of our technical work with the larger scientific and engineering community.
Lab Notes

Lab Notes report on current technology or news from around the Laboratory. Lab Notes are published in the Lincoln Laboratory Journal, but are initially released via this website.
Tech Notes
Tech Notes describe innovative solutions to technical challenges and illustrate the Laboratory's capabilities in diverse fields.
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Facts
Lincoln Laboratory Community Involvement

This Lincoln Laboratory Community Involvement report describes Laboratory programs offered to employees as a means by which they may become an active part of the community. Through these outreach programs, Lincoln Laboratory increases awareness of local needs, provides educational guidance or commendation, and enriches the educational background of its staff members and employees. The Laboratory community is happy to engage in community giving year round.
Community Involvement Brochure 2017
Community Involvement Brochure 2016
Community Involvement Brochure 2015
Community Involvement Brochure 2014
Community Involvement Brochure 2013
Community Involvement Brochure 2012
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Technology in Support of National Security
This comprehensive history of MIT Lincoln Laboratory was published in 2011 on the occasion of Lincoln Laboratory's 60th anniversary. More than 100 people contributed to the writing of the book, helping to capture the Laboratory's legacy of innovation in service to the nation.
Full text of the history book (pdf)
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