ATC-# |
Year |
Author(s)and Title |
ATC-200 |
1993 |
Orlando, V. A., ADS - Mode S: Initial System Description |
ATC-201 |
1993 |
Butler, K. M., Estimation of Wake Vortex Advection and Decay Using Meteorological Sensors and Aircraft Data |
ATC-203 |
1993 |
Evans, J. E., Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) 1992 Annual Report |
ATC-204 |
1993 |
Misra, P. N., Abbot, R. I., Bayliss, E. T., SGS85--WGS84 Transformation: Interim Results |
ATC-205 |
1993 |
Gertz, J. L., Grappel, R. D., Encoding Approaches for Data Link Transmission of Weather Graphics |
ATC-206 |
1995 |
Eggert, J. R., Sasiela, R. J., Kastner, M. P., Harman, W. H., Wilhelmsen, H., Morin, T. J., Schultz, H. B., Sturdy, L., Wyschogrod, D., Daly, P. M., Runway Status Light System Demonstration at Logan Airport |
ATC-207 |
1994 |
Clark, D. A., Wilson, F. W., An Automated Method for Low Level Wind Shear Alert System (LLWAS) Data Quality Analysis |
ATC-208 |
1994 |
Chornoboy, E. S., Matlin, A. M., Extrapolating Storm Location Using the Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) Storm Motion Algorithm |
ATC-209 |
1994 |
Weber, M. E., Troxel, S. W., Assessment of the Weather Detection Capability of an Airport Surveillance Radar with Solid-State Transmitter |
ATC-# |
Year |
Author(s)and Title |
ATC-210 |
1994 |
Campbell, S. D., Terminal Weather Message Demonstration at Orlando, FL, Summer 1993 |
ATC-212 |
1994 |
Keller, J. L., Data Requirements for Ceiling and Visibility Products Development |
ATC-213 |
1994 |
Gertz, J. L., The Polygon-Ellipse Method of Data Compression of Weather Maps |
ATC-214 |
1994 |
Orlando, V. A., Harman, W. H., GPS-Squitter Capacity Analysis |
ATC-215 |
1994 |
Lind, A. T., Dershowitz, A., Bussolari, S. R., The Influence of Data Link-Provided Graphical Weather on Pilot Decision-Making |
ATC-216 |
1994 |
Cole, R. E., Todd, R. F., Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) Low Level Wind Shear Alert System 3 (LLWAS 3) Integration Studies at Orlando International Airport Airport in 1991 and 1992 |
ATC-218 |
1994 |
Finch, S. R., Cole, R. E., Rasmussen, R. G., Wilson, F. W., Kim, S. K., Summer 1992 Terminal Area - Local Analysis and Prediction System (T-LAPS) Evaluation |
ATC-219 |
1994 |
Olson, S. H., McLain, C. D., Yao, S. S., Implementation of the 1992 Terminal Area-Local Analysis and Prediction System (T-LAPS) |
ATC-# |
Year |
Author(s)and Title |
ATC-220 |
1994 |
Gertz, J. L., Elkin, G. R., Documentation of 9-PAC Beacon Target Detector Processing Function |
ATC-221 |
1994 |
Ferranti, R. L., Solid State Radar Demonstration Test Results at the FAA Technical Center |
ATC-222 |
1994 |
Hynek, D. P., TDWR Scan Strategy Implementation |
ATC-223 |
1994 |
Labitt, M., Obtaining Low Sidelobes Using Non-Linear FM Pulse Compression |
ATC-224 |
1994 |
Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS)
Algorithm Description (no author listed)
Released to sponsor only |
ATC-226 |
1994 |
Chandra, D. C., Wood, M. L., Safety Analysis of the Traffic Information Service |
ATC-227 |
1995 |
Campbell, S. D., Terminal Weather Information for Pilots (TWIP) Test Report for 1994 Memphis and Orlando Demonstrations |
ATC-228 |
1995 |
Altman, S. I., Daly, P. M., The Enhanced Airborne Measurement Facility Recording System |
ATC-229 |
1995 |
Orlando, V. A., Harman, W. H., GPS-Squitter Interference Analysis |
ATC-# |
Year |
Author(s)and Title |
ATC-230 |
1995 |
Orlando, V. A., GPS-Squitter Channel Access Analysis |
ATC-231 |
1995 |
Burgess, D. W., Altman, S. I., TCAS III Bearing Error Evaluation |
ATC-232 |
1995 |
Pieronek, J. V., The ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card (9-PAC) |
ATC-233 |
1995 |
Keller, J. L., Wilson, F. W., Smith, C. B., Initial Evaluation of the Oregon State University Planetary Boundary Layer Column Model for ITWS Applications |
ATC-234 |
1995 |
Klingle-Wilson, D. L., Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) Demonstration and Validation Operational Test and Evaluation |
ATC-235 |
1995 |
Boisvert, R. E., Burrows, M. L., Bussolari, S. R., Knittel, G. H., Owen, M. R., Saunders, K. W., GPS-Squitter Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast: Flight Testing in the Gulf of Mexico |
ATC-236 |
1995 |
Newell, O. J., Anderson, J. R., Description of Radar Correlation and Interpolation Algorithms for the ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card (9-PAC) |
ATC-237 |
1995 |
Keller, J. L., Smith, C. B., Wilson, F. W., Initial Evaluation of Terminal-Area Atmospheric Vertical Structure Prediction Algorithms Using Fall 1994 ITWS/Wake Vortex Programs' Meteorological Data |
ATC-238 |
1995 |
Dinius, A. M., GPS Antenna Multipath Rejection Performance |
ATC-239 |
1996 |
Harman, W. H. III, Brennan, M. J., Beacon Radar and TCAS Interrogation Rates: Airborne Measurements in the 1030 MHz Band |
ATC-# |
Year |
Author(s)and Title |
ATC-240,I |
1996 |
Drumm, A. C., Lincoln Laboratory Evaluation of TCAS II Logic Version 6.04a, Volume I |
ATC-240,II |
1996 |
Drumm, A. C., Lincoln Laboratory Evaluation of TCAS II Logic Version 6.04a, Appendices, Volume II |
ATC-241 |
1996 |
Tardif, R., Beauchemin, M., Zwack, P., Keller, J. L., The COBEL Model as Part of a Terminal-Area Ceiling & Visibility (C&V) Nowcast System: A Progress Report |
ATC-242 |
1996 |
Mahn, L. R., Selected Abstracts on Aviation Weather Hazard Research |
ATC-243 |
1997 |
Lind, A. T., Dershowitz, A., Chandra, D., Bussolari, S., The Effects of Compression-Induced Distortion of Graphical Weather Images on Pilot Perception, Acceptance, and Performance |
ATC-244 |
1996 |
Cullen, J. A., Anomalous Propagation Ground Clutter Suppression with the Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) Weather Systems Processor (WSP) |
ATC-245 |
1996 |
Evans, J. B., ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card Scan-Scan Correlator Algorithms |
ATC-246 |
1997 |
Klingle-Wilson, D., Isaminger, M., Keohan, C., Report on Product Performance for the Terminal Doppler Weather Radars (TDWRs) at Washington National Airport and Memphis and Orlando International Airports |
ATC-247 |
1996 |
Weber, M. E., Cullen, J. A., Troxel, S. W., Meuse, C. A., ASR-9 Weather System Processor (WSP): Wind Shear Algorithms Performance Assessment |
ATC-248 |
1996 |
Burrows, M. L., Six-Sector Antenna for the GPS-Squitter En-Route Ground Station |
ATC-249 |
1996 |
Rhoda, D. A., Weber, M. E., Assessment of the Delay Aversion Benefits of the Airport Surveillence Radar (ASR) Weather Systems Processor (WSP) |
ATC-# |
Year |
Author(s)and Title |
ATC-252 |
1996 |
Clark, D. A., Wilson, F. W., The Marine Stratus Initiative at San Francisco International Airport |
ATC-253 |
1997 |
Denneno, A. P., Storm, C. R., Campbell, S. D, Bernays, D. J., Terminal Weather Information for Pilots (TWIP) Program Annual Report for 1995 |
ATC-255 |
2002 |
Weber, M. E., ASR-9 Weather Systems Processor (WSP) Signal Processing Algorithms |
ATC-256 |
1997 |
Harman, W. H., Brennan, M. J., Beacon Radar and TCAS Reply Rates: Airborne Measurements in the 1090 MHz Band |
ATC-257 |
1997 |
Boswell, S. B., Evans, J. E., Analysis of Downstream Impacts of Air Traffic Delay |
ATC-258 |
1997 |
Thompson, S. D., Terminal Area Separation Standards: Historical Development, Current Standards, and Processes for Change |
ATC-259 |
1997 |
Saia, J. J., Stone, M. L., Weber, M. E., A Description of the Interfaces Between the Weather Systems Processor (WSP) and the Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR-9) |
ATC-# |
Year |
Author(s)and Title |
ATC-260 |
1998 |
Wood, M. L., Bush, R. W., Multilateration on Mode S and ATCRBS Signals at Atlanta's Hartsfield Airport
ATC-261 |
1997 |
Gertz, J., The Weather-Huffman Method of Data Compression of Weather Images
ATC-263 |
1998 |
Hollister, K. M., Rhoades, A. S., Lind, A. T., Evaluation of Boeing 747-400 Performance During ATC-Directed Breakouts on Final Approach |
ATC-264 |
2000 |
Newell, O. J., ASR-9 Weather Systems Processor Software Overview |
ATC-265 |
1998 |
Hollister, K. M., Rhoades, A. S., Lind, A. T., Airbus 320 Performance During ATC- Directed Breakouts on Final Approach |
ATC-266 |
1999 |
Weber, M. E., Wind Shear Detection Using the Next Generation Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR-11) |
ATC-267 |
1999 |
Newell, O. J., Elkin, G. R., Heath, W. S., A 9PAC System and Application Programmer's Guide |
ATC-268,I |
1999 |
Chludzinski, B. J., Lincoln Laboratory Evaluation of TCAS II Version 7: Volume I |
ATC-268,II |
1999 |
Chludzinski, B. J., Lincoln Laboratory Evaluation of TCAS II Logic Version 7 Appendices: Volume II |
ATC-269 |
1999 |
Allan, S. S., Grant, D., Gaddy, S. G., Pottier, M., Review of NYC ITWS During the September 7, 1998 Severe Weather Event
Released to sponsor only |
ATC-# |
Year |
Author(s)and Title |
ATC-270 |
1999 |
Crowe, B. A., Isaminger, M. A., Grant, D. A., An Evaluation of the ASR-9 Weather Channel Based on Observations from the ITWS Prototype |
ATC-272 |
1999 |
Wood, M. L., Operational and Spectrum Tests for ATIDS at Dallas/Fort Worth Airport |
ATC-274 |
2002 |
Troxel, S. W., Pughe, W. L., Machine Intelligent Gust Front Algorithm for the WSP |
ATC-275 |
2002 |
Troxel, S. W., Gust Front Update Algorithm for the Weather Systems Processor (WSP) |
ATC-# |
Year |
Author(s)and Title |
ATC-283 |
2002 |
Morgan, J., Troxel, S., CSKETCH Image Processing Library |
ATC-284 |
2000 |
Newell, O. J., WSP Utility Libraries |
ATC-288 |
2000 |
Elkin, G. R., Gertz, J., The Beacon Target Detector (BTD) Algorithms Deployed in the ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card (9-PAC) |
ATC-289 |
2000 |
Pawlak, M. L., Matthews, M. P., The Design and Validation of the ITWS Synthetic Sensor Data Generator |
ATC-# |
Year |
Author(s)and Title |
ATC-290 |
1999 |
Evans, J. E., Dasey, T. J., Rhoda, D. A., Cole, R. E., Wilson, F. W., Williams, E. R., Weather Sensing and Data Fusion to Improve Safety and Reduce Delays at Major West Coast Airports |
ATC-291 |
2001 |
Allan, S. S., Gaddy, S. G., Evans, J. E., Delay Causality and Reduction at the New York City Airports Using Terminal Weather Information Systems
Released to sponsor only |
ATC-294 |
2000 |
Thompson, S. D., Comparison of Active TCAS Slant Range Measurements with Interpolated Passive Position Reports for Use in Hybrid Surveillance Applications: Measurements from the June 1999 Los Angeles Basin Flight Tests |
ATC-295 |
2001 |
Thompson, S. D., Spencer, D. A., Andrews, J. W., An Assessment of the Communications, Navigation, Surveillance (CNS) Capabilities Needed to Support the Future Air Traffic Management System |
ATC-296 |
2000 |
Perras, G. H., Dasey, T. J., A Statistical Analysis of Approach Winds at Capacity-Restricted Airports |
ATC-297 |
2001 |
Theriault, K. E., Wolfson, M. M., Dupree, W. J., Forman, B. E., Hallowell, R. G., Johnson, R. J. Jr, Moore, M. P., TCWF Algorithm Assessment - Memphis 2000 |
ATC-298 |
2001 |
Grappel, R. D., ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card (9-PAC) Phase II Scan-Scan Correlator Algorithms |
ATC-299 |
2001 |
Elkin, G. R., The Radar Correlation and Interpolation (C & I) Algorithms Deployed in the ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card (9PAC) |