Robert J. McAulay
McAulay, R. J., Interferometer Design for Elevation Angle Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace & Electronic Systems, Volume AES-13, Number 5, pp. 486-503, 1977.
[Journal Abstract]
McAulay, R. J., Optimum Elevation Angle Estimation in the Presence of Ground Reflection Multipath, Technical Note 1976-11, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 1976.
Stiglitz, I. G., Evans, J. E., Karp, D., LaFrey, R. R., McAulay, R. J., Palm-A System for Precise Aircraft Location, Journal of the Institute of Navigation, Volume 23, Number 3, pp. 257-261, 1976.
[Journal Abstract]
Evans, J. E., Karp, D., LaFrey, R. R., McAulay, R. J., Experimental Validation of Palm-A System for Precise Aircraft Location, Technical Note 1975-29, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 1975.
McAulay, R. J., Vitto, V., Simulation of the DABS Sensor for Evaluating Reply Processor Performance, Project Report ATC-28, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 1974.
McAulay, R. J., McGarty, T. P., Maximum-Likelihood Detection of Unresolved Radar Targets & Multipath, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace & Electronic Systems, Volume AES-10, Number 6, p. 821, 1974.
[Journal Abstract]
McAulay, R. J., Denlinger, E., A Decision-Directed Adaptive Tracker, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace & Electronic Systems, Volume AEM-9, Number 2, pp. 229-236, 1974.
[Journal Abstract]
McAulay, R. J., McGarty, T. P.,
Optimum Interference Detector for DABS Monopulse Data Editing, Technical Note 1973-48, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 1973.
McAulay, R. J., Effects of Interference on Monopulse Performance, Technical Note 1973-30, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 1973.
McAulay, R. J., Effect of Staggered PRF's on MTI Signal Detection, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace & Electronic Systems, 1973.
[Journal Abstract]
McAulay, R. J., Theory for Optimal MTI Digital Signal Processing, Supplement 1, Technical Note 1972-14, Sup.1, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 1972.
McAulay, R. J.,
Theory for Optimal MTI Digital Signal Processing, Part 2, Signal Design, Technical Note 1972-14,II, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 1972.
McAulay, R. J.,
Theory for Optimal MTI Digital Signal Processing, Part 1. Receiver Synthesis, Technical Note 1972-14,I, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 1972.