Shellphish targetted TECHx running YAN01_00015 in round 64.

Type 1 POV

eip:0xab652f0 - ebp:0x31a61919

The application exited with a segmentation fault

0x8048ba9: 0x8048ba9 // esp: 0xbaaaaff8

Execution control corruption via return (return to: 0xbaaaaff8).

Tracing data from eip: 0x8048ba9 tracing source of memory: 0xbaaaaff8 (value: 0xab652f0)

0x804939a : receive syscall (return)
0x804909b : mov bl,byte ptr [esi+ecx]
0x804909e : mov byte ptr [ebp-0x29],bl
0x80490a1 : mov bl,byte ptr [ebp-0x29]
0x80490aa : mov byte ptr [edx+ecx],bl
0x8048ba9: ret // address: 0xbaaaaff8 value: 0xab652f0

Negotiated general register: ebp:0x31a61919

Tracing data from eip: 0x8048ba9 tracing source of register: ebp (value: 0x31a61919)

0x804939a : receive syscall (return)
0x804909b : mov bl,byte ptr [esi+ecx]
0x804909e : mov byte ptr [ebp-0x29],bl
0x80490a1 : mov bl,byte ptr [ebp-0x29]
0x80490aa : mov byte ptr [edx+ecx],bl
0x8048ba8 : pop ebp
0x8048ba9: ret // address: ebp value: 0x31a61919

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