CodeJitsu targetted ForAllSecure running CROMU_00065 in round 92.

Type 1 POV

eip:0x40ec648e - eax:0xc26ac086

Execution control corruption via call.

Tracing data from eip: 0x8049796 tracing source of register: eax (value: 0xbaaaae69)

0x804d401 : receive syscall (return)
0x804a342 : mov al,byte ptr [ebp-0x21]
0x804a34b : mov byte ptr [edx+ecx],al
0x8049772 : mov eax,dword ptr [ecx+0xc]
0x8049796: call eax // address: eax value: 0xbaaaae69

Execution of memory occurred that was not part of the initial text sections or an executably allocated page.

Tracing data from eip: 0xbaaaae69 tracing source of memory: 0xbaaaae69 (value: 0x6ac086b8)

0x804d401 : receive syscall (return)
0x804a342 : mov al,byte ptr [ebp-0x21]
0x804a34b : mov byte ptr [edx+ecx],al
0xbaaaae69: mov eax,0xc26ac086 // address: 0xbaaaae69 value: 0x6ac086b8

Negotiated general register: eax:0xc26ac086

Tracing data from eip: 0xbaaaae73 tracing source of register: eax (value: 0xc26ac086)

0xbaaaae69 : mov eax,0xc26ac086
0xbaaaae73: jmp ebx // address: eax value: 0xc26ac086

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