Lok Yan Lok.Yan@us.af.mil
This is a simple HTTP-proxy like service. This is an IPC cb where the main CB acts as a router and all other CBs act as individual web-servers. The protocol is very simple with three possible commands:
HELLO I AM [name] : Used by the client to initiate a conenction with the router HELLO [name] YOUR UID IS [uid] HOW CAN I HELP YOU : Used by the router to acknowledge the client [uid] SAYS GET [url] PLEASE : Used by the client to retrieve a specific page. GOODBYE : Used by the client to close the link. GOODBYE is also echoed by the router. BAD CMD : Used by the router to report a parsing error to the client. SERVER NOT FOUND : Used by the router to report an invalid server
Classic format string vulnerability that falls under CWE-134: Uncontrolled Format String.
A python script - textIntoPageData.py is provided to generate the pages.data file that is included into the CBs. This acts as their internal page database
Curated by Lunge Technology, LLC. Questions or comments? Send us email