"John Berry" hj@cromulence.co
A user can instantiate new sets and combine them via Union, Intersect, Set Difference, and Symmetric Difference. Additionally it can tell a user if a set is a subset of another.
A user can create a new set with up to 15 elements. An element can be an existing set or an alphanumeric value with a maximum length of 10.
New sets can also be created via the Union (+), Intersection (^), Set Difference (-), or Symmetric Difference (~) operators.
A set can be checked if it is the subset of another via the (@) operator.
A user can print a help screen with the '.h' command. A user can print all current sets with the '.p' command. A user can print a particular set with all subsets expanded via the '.ps' command. A user can exit the program via the '.l' command.
There are two vulnerabilities in this service. The first is a stack buffer overflow.
A set can contain another set as one of its elements which would look like this:
setone = |"hello", "world"| settwo = |setone|
Executing the '.p' command would print both sets with any expansion like this:
.p setone = |"hello","world"| settwo = |setone|
To expand any set elements a user can use the '.ps' command though this one requires a set name as an argument like this:
.ps settwo settwo = ||"hello","world"||
The string printed by '.ps' is created via recursively expanding all elements that are sets. So, something like this:
setone = |"hello"| settwo = |"world",setone| setthree = |setone, settwo, "yo"| .ps setthree setthree = ||"hello"|,|"world",|"hello"||,"yo"|
Both setone and settwo were expanded. Additionally, setone was expanded within settwo.
The expanded string is copied into a statically allocated stack-based buffer. If an attacker could force this expansion to be greater than that value then the overflow will occur and result in a SIGSEGV. However, to make this more difficult, the size of the buffer was calculated to ensure that a minimum of three recursive calls are required to fill be buffer.
Each individual set has a maximum size of 196 bytes:
2 Bytes for the beginning ending '|' 14 Bytes for commas with a maximum of 15 elements 30 Bytes for '"' since each element can have two quotes 150 Bytes for the element data 15*10.
Giving a total of 196. However, if each element of a set were in fact a subset with a maximum of 196 bytes the result would be:
46 Bytes of overhead i.e. commas, quotes and pipes 196*15 = 2940
Add to this a maximum set name length of 16 plus 3 bytes for the ' = ' and you have 2999. For this reason the data length was set to 3200 to ensure at least three total calls to the vulnerable function.
The second vulnerability is a stack overflow caused by infinite recursion exhausting the stack. This occurs when two sets are created that contain a reference to each other. When either of the sets is printed with the .ps command the print_subsets function will call itself recursively until the stack overflow leads to a crash.
Stack-based buffer overflow Stack overflow due to infinite recursion.
CWE-120 Buffer copy without checking size of input CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption
The major challenge for this CB, aside from deciphering the set operations is that the CGC competitor will be forced to reason about recursive functions to cause an overflow.
Curated by Lunge Technology, LLC. Questions or comments? Send us email