Earle R. Williams
Weber, M. E., Williams, E. R., Wolfson, M. M., Goodman, S. J., An Assessment of the Operational Utility of a GOES Lightning Mapping Sensor, Project Report NOAA-18A, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, May 2013.
Ellis, S., Serke, D., Hubbert, J., Albo, D., Weekly, A., Politovich, M., Gayods, A.,
Adriaansen, D., Williams, E., Smalley, D., Donovan, M., Towards the Detection
of Aircraft Icing Conditions Using Operational Dual-polarimetric Radar, 7th
European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, Toulouse,
France, June 2012.
Williams, E., Smalley, D., Donovan, M., Hallowell, R., Hood, K., Bennett, B., Evaristo, R., Stepanek, A., Bals-Elsholz, T., Cobb, J., Ritzman, J., Dual polarization radar winter storm studies supporting development of NEXRAD-based aviation hazard products 35th Conference on Radar Meteorology, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Pittsburgh, PA, September 2011.
[Paper] [Poster]
Williams, E. R., Smalley, D. J., Donovan, M. F., Hallowell, R. G., Hood, K., Bennett, B. J., Dual Polarization Radar Winter Storm Studies Supporting Development of NEXRAD-based Aviation Hazard Products, 35th Conference on Radar Meteorology, Pittsburg, PA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2011.
Evaristo, R., Stepanek, A., Goebbert, K., Smalley, D., Williams, E., Rainfall estimation using a C-band polarimetric radar, 25th Conference on Hydrology, Amer. Meteor. Soc., Seattle, WA, Jan 2010.
[Abstract] [Poster]
Smalley, D. J., Bennett, B. J., Hallowell, R. G., Donovan, M. F., Williams, E. R., Development of Dual Polarization Aviation Weather Products for the FAA, 34th Conference on Radar Meteorology, Williamsburg, VA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2009.
Karam, D. B., Flamant, C., Tulet, P., Todd, M. C., Pelon, J., Williams, E. R., Dry Cyclogenesis and Dust Mobilization in the Intertropical Discontinuity of the West African Monsoon: a Case Study,
Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 114, D05115, 2009.
[Journal Abstract]
Kessinger, C., Donovan, M., Bankert, R, Williams, E., Hawkins, J., Cai, H., Rehak, N., Megenhardt, D., Steiner, M., Convection Diagnosis and Nowcasting for Oceanic Aviation Applications, SPIE Conference on Remote Sensing Applications for Aviation Weather Hazard Detection and Decision Support, San Diego, CA, 2008.
Donovan, M. F., Williams, E. R., Kessinger, C., Blackburn, G., Herzegh, P. H., Bankert, R. L., Miller, S., Mosher, F. R., The Identification and Verification of Hazardous Convective Cells Over Oceans Using Visible and Infrared Satellite Observations, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 47, Issue 1, 2008.
[Journal Abstract]
Kessinger, C., Herzegh, P., Blackburn, G., Sharman, R., Wiener, G., Hendrickson, B., Levesque, K., Craig, J., Tsui, T., Hawkins, J., Bankert, R., Williams, E., Donovan, M., Ellrod, G., Kistler, R., Flemming, D., The FAA AWRP Oceanic Weather Project Development Team, 12th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology (ARAM), Atlanta, GA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2006.
Williams, E. R., Boldi, R. A., Bor, J., Satori, G., Price, C., Greenberg, E., Takahashi, Y., Yamamoto, K., Matsudo, Y., Hobara, Y., Hayakawa, M., Chronis, T., Anagnostou, E., Smith, D. M., Lopez, L., Lightning Flashes Conducive to the Propagation and Escape of Gamma Radiation to Space, Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 111, Number D16209, 2006.
[Journal Abstract]
Donovan, M. F., Williams, E.R., Kessinger, C., Blackburn, G., Herzegh, P. H., Bankert, R. L., Miller, S., Mosher, F. R., The Identification and Verification of Hazardous Convective Cells Over Oceans Using Visible and Infrared Satellite Observations, 12th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology (ARAM), Atlanta, GA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2006.
Williams, E. R., Stanfill, S. B., Reply to the comment on "The Physical Origin of the Land-Ocean Contrast in Lighting Activity", Comptes Rendus Physique, Volume 5, pp. 157-158, 2004.
[Journal Abstract]
Herzegh, P. H., Williams, E. R., Lindholm, T. A., Mosher, F. R., Kessinger, C., Sharman, R., Hawkins, J. D., Johnson, D. B., Development of Automated Aviation Weather Products for Ocean/Remote Regions: Scientific and Practical Challenges, Research Strategies, and First Steps, 10th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology (ARAM), Portland, OR, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2002.
Williams, E. R., Stanfill, S. B., The Physical Origin of the Land-Ocean Contrast in Lightening Activity, Comptes Rendus Physique, Volume 3, Number 10, pp. 1277-1292, 2002.
[Journal Abstract]
Marshall, T. C., Stolzenburg, M., Rust, W. D., Williams, E. R., Boldi, R. A., Positive Charge in the Stratiform Cloud of a Mesoscale Convective System, Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 106, Number D1, pp. 1157-1163, 2001.
[Journal Abstract]
Williams, E. R., Sprites, Elves, and Glow Discharge Tubes, Physics Today, Volume 54, Number 11, pp. 41-47, 2001.
[Journal Abstract]
Huang, E., Williams, E., Boldi, R. A., Heckman, S., Lyons, W., Taylor, M., Nelson, T., Wong, C., Criteria for Sprites and Elves Based on Schumann Resonance Observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 104, Number D14, pp. 16, 943-16, 964, 1999.
[Journal Abstract]
Williams. E. R., Castro, D., Boldi, R. A., Chang, T., Huang, E., Mushtak, V., Lyons, W., Nelson, T., Heckman, S., Boccippio, D., The Relationship Between the Background and Transient Signals in Schumann Resonances, 11th Int. Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, pp. 758-761, 1999.
Williams, E. R., Boldi, R. A., Matlin, A. M., Weber, M. E., Hodanish, S., Sharp, D., Goodman, S., Raghavan, R., Buechler, D., The Behavior of Total Lightning Activity in Severe Florida Thunderstorms, Atmospheric Research, Volume 51, Nos. 3-4, pp. 245-265, 1999.
[Journal Abstract]
Satori, G., Williams, E. R., Zieger, B., Boldi, R. A., Heckman, S., Rothkin, K., Comparisons of Long-Term Schumann Resonance Records in Europe and North America, 11th Int. Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Gunthersville, AL, pp. 705-708, 1999.
Mushtak, V., Boldi, R. A., Williams, E. R., Schumann Resonances and the Temporal-Spatial Dynamics of Global Thunderstorm Activity, 11th Int. Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Gunthersville, AL, pp. 698-700, 1999.
Goodman, S. J., Buechler, D., Hodanish, S., Sharp, D., Williams, E. R., Boldi, R. A., Matlin, A. M., Weber, M. E., Total Lightning Activity Associated with Tornadic Storms, 11th Int. Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Gunthersville, AL, pp. 515-518, 1999.
Evans, J. E., Dasey, T. J., Rhoda, D., Cole, R. E., Wilson, F. W., Williams, E. R., Weather Sensing and Data Fusion to Improve Safety and Reduce Delays at Major West Coast Airports, Project Report ATC-290, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 1999.
Williams, E., Boldi, R., Matlin, A., Weber, M., Total Lightning as a Severe Weather Diagnostic in Strongly Baroclinic Systems in Central Florida, 19th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Minneapolis, MN, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 1998.
Boldi, R., Williams, E., Matlin, A., Weber, M., Hodanish, S., Sharp, D., Goodman, S., Raghavan, R., The Design and Evaluation of the Lightning Imaging Sensor Data Applications Display (LISDAD), 19th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Minneapolis, MN, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 1998.
Hodanish, S., Sharp, D., Williams, E., Boldi, R., Matlin, A., Weber, M., Goodman, S., Raghavan, R., Comparisons Between Total Lightning data, Mesocyclone Strength, and Storm Damage Associated with the Florida Tornado Outbreak of February 23, 1998, 19th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Minneapolis, MN, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 1998.
Hodanish, S., Sharp, D., Williams, E., Boldi, R., Matlin, A., Weber, M., Goodman, S., Raghavan, R., Observations of Total Lightning Associated with Severe Convection During the Wet Season in Central Florida, 19th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Minneapolis, MN, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 1998.
Goodman, S., Raghavan, R., Ramachandran, R., Buechler, E., Hodanish, S., Sharp, D., Williams, E., Boldi, R., Matlin, A., Weber, M., Total Lightning and Radar Storm Characteristics Associated with Severe Storms in Central Florida, 19th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Minneapolis, MN, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 1998.
Boccippio, D. J., Wong, C., Williams, E. R., Boldi, R. A., Christian, H. J., Goodman, S. J., Global Validation of Single-Station Schumann Resonance Lightning Location, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 60, Issues 7-9, pp. 701-712, 1998.
[Journal Abstract]
Weber, M. E., Williams, E. R., Wolfson, M. M., Goodman, S., An Assessment of the Operational Utility of a GOES Lightning Mapping Sensor, Project Report NOAA-18, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 1998.
Released to sponsor only
Heckman, S. J., Williams, E., Boldi, R. A., Total Global Lightning Inferred from Schumann Resonance Measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 103, Number D24, pp. 31,775-31,779, 1998.
[Journal Abstract]
Mazur, V., Williams, E., Boldi, R., Maier, L., Proctor, D. E., Initial Comparison of Lightning Mapping With Operational Time-Of-Arrival and Interferometric Systems, Journal of Geophysical. Research, Volume 102, Number D10, pp. 11,071-11,085, 1997.
[Journal Abstract]
Rutledge, S. A., Williams, E. R., Keenan, T. D., The Down Under Doppler and Electricity (DUNDEE): Overview and Preliminary Results, Bulletin American Meteorological Society, Volume 73, Number 1, 1992.
[Journal Article]
Engholm, C. D., Williams, E. R., Dole, R. M., Meteorological and Electrical Conditions Associated with Positive Cloud-to-Ground Lightning, Monthy Weather Review, Volume 118, Issue 2, pp. 470-487, 1990.
[Journal Article]
Williams, E. R., Weber, M. E., Engholm, C. D., Electrical Characteristics of Microburst-Producing Storms in Denver, 24th Conference on Radar Meteorology, Tallahassee, FL, Amer. Meteor. Soc., pp. 89-92, 1989.
Williams, E. R., Weber, M. E., Orville, R. E., The Relationship Between Lightning Type and Convective State of Thunderclouds, Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 94, Number D11, pp. 13,213-13,220, 1989.
[Journal Abstract]
Williams, E. R., Geotis, S. G., Veith, R., Wurman, J., Final Report on Studies of Thunderstorm Microburst and Proposal for Future Studies, MIT Weather Radar Laboratory, 1988.
Williams, E. R., Weber, M. E., Orville, R.E., The Relationship Between Lightning Type and Convective State of Thunderclouds, Proc. 8th Int'l. Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Uppsala, Sweden, 1988.
Williams, E. R., Large Scale Charge Separation in Thunderclouds, Journal Geophysical Research pp. 6013-6025, 1985.
[Journal Abstract]