James R. Eggert
Eggert, J. R., B. R. Howes, M. P. Kuffner, H. Wilhelmsen, and J. Bernays, Operational Evaluation of Runway Status Lights, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Volume 16, Number 1, 2006.
[Journal Article]
Thompson, S. D., Eggert, J. R., Surveillance Performance Requirements for Runway Incursion Prevention Systems, Project Report ATC-301, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2001.
Eggert, J. R., Sasiela, R. J., Kastner, M. P., Harman, W., H., Wilhelmsen, H., Morin, T. J., Schultz, H. B., Sturdy, J. L., Wyschogrod, D., Daly, P. M., Runway Status Light System Demonstration at Logan Airport, Project Report ATC-206, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 1995.
Harman, W. H III., Schultz, H. B., Wyschogrod, D., Eggert, J. R., Sasiela, R. J., Bush, R. W., Radar Images of Logan Airport and Application in Automated Aircraft Tracking, SPIE, Volume 2220, Sensing, Imaging, and Vision for Control and Guidance of Aerospace Vehicles, pp. 316-327, 1994.
[Journal Abstract]
Wyschogrod, D., Schultz, H. B., Harman, W. H III., Eggert, J. R., Sasiela, R. J., Bush, R. W., Connected Components and Temporal Association in Airport Surface Radar Tracking, SPIE, Volume 2220, Sensing, Imaging, and Vision for Control and Guidance of Aerospace Vehicles, pp. 357-379, 1994.
[Journal Abstract]
Eggert, J. R., Demonstration of Runway-Status Lights at Logan Airport, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Volume 7, Number 2, 1994.
[Journal Article]