William R. Moser
Mehta, V., Campbell, S., Kuchar, J., Moser, W., Reynolds, H., Reynolds, T.,
Seater, R., The Tower Flight Data Manager Prototype System, Digital Avionics
Systems Conference (DASC), Seattle, Washington, October 2011.
Moser, W., Design and Development of the TFDM Information Management
Architecture, Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance
Conference (ICNS), Arlington, VA, April 2009.
Robinson, M., Moser, II, W. R., Evans, J. E., Measuring the Utilization of Available Aviation System Capacity in Convective Weather, 13th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology (ARAM), New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2008.
Weber, M. E., Evans, J. E., Moser II, W. R., Newell, O. J., Air Traffic Management Decision Support During Convective Weather, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Volume 16, Number 2, 2007.
[Journal Article]
Evans, J. E., Weber, M. E., Moser II, W. R., Integrating Advanced Weather Forecast Technologies into Air Traffic Management Decision Support, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Volume 16, Number 1, 2006.
[Journal Article]
Weber, M. E., Evans, J. E., Wolfson, M. M., DeLaura, R. A., Moser II, W. R., Martin, B. D., Welch, J. D., Andrews, J. W., Bertsimas, D., Improving Air Traffic Management During Thunderstorms, 24th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), Washington, DC, 2005.
Weber, M. E., Moser II, W. R., A Preliminary Assessment of Thunderstorm Outflow Wind Measurement with Airport Surveillance Radars, Project Report ATC-140, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 1987.