John Y. N. Cho
Weber, M. E., J. Y. N. Cho, and H. G. Thomas, Command and control for multifunction phased array radar, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 55, 5899-5912, 2017.
Cho, J. Y. N., A new radio frequency interference filter for weather radars, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 34, 1393-1406, 2017.
[Journal Article]
Saltikoff, E., J. Y. N. Cho, P. Tristant, A. Huuskonen, L. Allmon, R. Cook, E. Becker, and P. Joe, The threat to weather radars by wireless technology, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97, 1159-1167, 2016.
[Journal Article]
Cho, J. Y. N., Enhanced signal processing algorithms for the ASR-9 Weather Systems Processor, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 32, 1847-1859, 2015.
[Journal Article]
Cho, J. Y. N., E. M. Shank, G. Stilwell, J. P. Morgan, E. Griffin, E. Ma, J. G. Stander, T. Smith, and A. S. Gautam, ASR-9 Weather Systems Processor technology refresh and upgrade, Proc. 37th Conf. on Radar Meteorology, Norman, OK, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 12B.4, 2015.
Cho, J. Y., N., Revised Multifunction Phased Array Radar (MPAR) Network Siting Analysis, Project Report ATC-425, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2015.
Kurdzo, J. M., J. Y. N. Cho, and R. S. Frankel, Velocity estimation improvements for the ASR-9 Weather Systems Processor, Preprints, 30th Conf. on Environmental Information Processing Technologies, Atlanta, GA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., p.10, 2014.
Weber, M. E., Wood, M. L., Franz, J. R., Conway, D., Cho, J. Y. N., Secondary Surveillance Phased Array Radar (SSPAR): Initial Feasibilty Study, Project Report ATC-416, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2014.
Weber, M. E., M. L. Wood, J. R. Franz, M. D. Conway, and J. Y. N. Cho, Secondary Surveillance Phased Array Radar (SSPAR): Initial feasibility study, Technical Report MIT-LIN-ASP-416, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 41 pp., 2014.
Cho, J. Y. N., R. S. Frankel, M. F. Donovan, M. S. Veillette, and P. L. Heinselman, Wind-shear detection performance study for MPAR risk reduction, Preprints, 36th Conf. on Radar Meteorology, Breckenridge, CO, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 3B.3, 2013.
Weber, M. E., J. S. Herd, J. Y. N. Cho, and G. A. Jones, Multifunction Phased Array Radar (MPAR): Achieving next generation surveillance and weather radar capability, J. Air Traffic Control, 55, (3), pp. 40-47, 2013.
Welch, J. D., J. Y. N. Cho, N. K. Underhill, and R. A. DeLaura, Sector workload model for benefits analysis and convective weather capacity prediction, 10th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar, Chicago, IL, Paper 229, 2013.
Cho, J. Y. N., Frankel, R. S., Donovan, M. F., Veillette, M. S., Heinselman, P. L., Wind-shear Detection Performance Study for Multifunction Phased Array Radar (MPAR) Risk Reduction, Project Report ATC-409, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2013.
Heinselman, P., Cho, J. Y. N., Cheong, B. L., Weadon, M., Emanuel, M., Crum, T., Biron, P., Multifunction Phased Array Radar Wind Shear Experiment, 26th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Nashville, TN, Amer. Meteor. Soc., November 2012.
Cho, J. Y. N., Duffy, S. M., Grappel, R. D., Multifunction Phased Array Radar (MPAR) Spectral Usage Analysis, Project Report ATC-395, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2012.
Cho, J. Y. N., Huang, S., Frankel, R. S., NextGen Surveillance and Weather Radar Capability (NSWRC) siting analysis, Project Report ATC-391, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2012.
Released to sponsor only
Cho, J. Y., Duffy, S., Multifunction Phased Array Radar (MPAR), International
Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies, Boulder, CO, July 2011.
Cho, J. Y. N., Welch, J. D., Underhill, N. K., Analytical Workload Model for
Estimating En Route Sector Capacity in Convective Weather, 9th USA/Europe
Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar, Berlin, Germany, June 2011.
Huang, S., Cho, J. Y. N., Analysis of Ground-Based Radar Low-Altitude Wind-Shear Detection in OEP Terminal Airspace for NextGen, Project Report ATC-375, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, December 2010.
Cho, J. Y. N., Weber, M. E., Terminal Doppler Weather Radar Enhancements,
IEEE Radar Conference, Washington, DC, May 2010.
Evans, J., Robinson, M., Cho, J. Y., Evans, M., An Integrated Strategic-Tactical Approach to Managing Traffic Flows to the Northeast During Severe Convective Weather, 14th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology (ARAM), Amer. Meteor. Soc., Atlanta, GA, Jan 2010.
[Abstract] [Recorded Presentation]
Cho, J. Y. N., OEP Terminal and CONUS Weather Radar Coverage Gap Identification Analysis for NextGen, Project Report ATC-369, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2010.
Cho, J. Y. N., Weber, M. E., Terminal Doppler Weather Radar enhancements, IEEE 2010 Radar Conference, Washington, D.C., 2010
Cho, J. Y. N., Signal Processing Algorithms for the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar: Build 2, Project Report ATC-363, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2010.
Hallowell, R. G., Cho, J. Y. N., Wind-shear System Cost-benefit Analysis, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Volume 18, Number 2, 2010.
[Journal Article]
Lindborg, E., Tung, K. K., Nastrom, G. D., Cho, J. Y. N, Gage, K. S., Comment on "Reinterpreting aircraft measurement in anisotropic scaling turbulence" by Lovejoy et al. (2009), Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 1401-1402, 2010.
[Journal Article]
Huang, S., Cho, J. Y. N., Donovan, M. F., Hallowell, R. G., Frankel, R. S., Pawlak, M. L., Weber, M. E., Redeployment of the New York TDWR: Technical Analysis of Candidate Sites and Alternative Wind Shear Sensors, Project Report ATC-351, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2009.
Benner, W. E., Torok, G., Weber, M., Emanuel, M., Stailey, J., Cho, J., Blasewitz, R., Progress of Multifunction Phased Array Radar (MPAR) Program, 89th ARAM Special Symposium on Weather - Air Traffic, Phoenix, AZ, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2009.
Cho, J. Y. N., Moving Clutter Spectral Filter for Terminal Doppler Weather Radar, 34th Conf. on Radar Meteorology, Williamsburg, VA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2009.
Huang, S., Cho, J. Y. N., Donovan, M. F., Hallowell, R. G., Frankel, R. S., Pawlak, M. L., Weber, M. E., Redeployment of the New York TDWR: Technical Analysis of Candidate Sites and Alternative Wind Shear Sensors, Project Report ATC-351, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2009.
Hallowell, R. G., J. Y. N. Cho, S. Huang, M. E. Weber, G. Paull, and T. Murphy, Wind-shear System Cost Benefit Analysis Update, Project Report ATC-341, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2009.
Cho, J. Y. N., Hallowell, R. G., Detection Probability Modeling for Airport Wind-shear Sensors, Project Report ATC-340, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2008.
Benner, W. E., Torok, G., Weber, M., Emanuel, M., Stailey, J., Cho, J., Blasewitz, R., Progress of Multifunction Phased Array Radar (MPAR) Program, 89th ARAM Special Symposium on Weather - Air Traffic, Phoenix, AZ, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2009.
Cho, J. Y. N., Hallowell, R. G., Weber, M. E., Comparative Analysis of Terminal Wind-shear Detection Systems, 13th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology (ARAM), New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2008.
Weber, M. E., Cho, J. Y., Robinson, M., Evans, J. E., Analysis of Operational Alternatives to the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR), Project Report ATC-332, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2007.
Cho, J. Y. N., Martin, B. D., Technical Assessment of the Impact of Decommissioning the TDWR on Terminal Weather Services, Project Report ATC-331, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2007.
Weber, M. E., Cho, J. Y. N., Herd, J. S., Flavin, J. M., Benner, W. E., Torok, G. S., The Next-Generation Multimission U.S. Surveillance Radar Network, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 88, Issue 11, pp. 1739-1751, 2007.
[Journal Article]
Weber, M. E., Cho. J. Y. N., Herd, J. S., Flavin, J. M., Multifunction Phased Array Radar: Technical Synopsis, Cost Implication and Operational Capabilities, 23rd Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology (IIPS), San Antonio, TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2007.
Cho, J. Y. N., ASR-9 Refractivity Measurements Using Ground Targets, Project Report ATC-328, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2006.
Cho, J. Y. N., Multifunction Phased Array Radar Pulse Compression Limits, Project Report ATC-327, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2006.
Troxel, S. W., Cho, J. Y. N., Frankel, R., Matthews, M. P., Shaw, J. D., C-band Aerosol Release Detector (CBARD) Algorithms Description, Project Report WXCB-2, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, p. 65, 2006.
Cho, J. Y. N., Chornoboy, E. S., Multi-PRI Signal Processing for the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar, Part I: Clutter Filtering, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 22, Issue 5, 2005.
[Journal Abstract]
Cho, J. Y. N., Multi-PRI Signal Processing for the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar, Part II: Range-Velocity Ambiguity Mitigation, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 22, Issue 10, 2005.
[Journal Abstract]
Cho, J. Y. N., Extended-Range Signal Recovery Using Multi-PRI Transmission for Doppler Weather Radars, Project Report ATC-322, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2005.
Cho, J. Y. N., Elkin, G. R., Parker, N. G., Enhanced Radar Data Acquisition System and Signal Processing Algorithms for the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar, 32nd Conference on Radar Meteorology, Albuquerque, NM, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2005.
Weber, M., Cho, J. Y. N., Flavin, J., Herd, J, Vai, M., Multi-function Phased Array Radar for U.S. Civil-Sector Surveillance Needs, 32nd Conference on Radar Meteorology, Albuquerque, NM, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2005.
Cho, J. Y. N., Parker, N. G., Elkin, G. R., Improved Range-Velocity Ambiguity Mitigation for the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar, 11th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology (ARAM), Hyannis, MA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2004.
Cho, J. Y. N., Evaluation of TDWR Range-Velocity Ambiguity Mitigation Techniques, Project Report ATC-310, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 2003.
Cho, J. Y. N., Newell, R. E., Anderson, B. E., Barrick, J. D. W., Thornhill, K. L., Characterizations of Tropospheric Turbulence and Stability Layers From Aircraft Observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 108, Number D20, 8784, 2003.
[Journal Abstract]
Cho, J. Y. N., Elkin, G. R., Parker, N. G., Range-Velocity Ambiguity Mitigation Schemes for the Enhanced Terminal Doppler Weather Radar, 31st Conference on Radar Meteorology, Seattle, WA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 2003.