2011 Technical Excellence Award Recipients
Dr. Richard P. Lippmann
For his nationally recognized leadership in developing cyber security tools and techniques, his contributions to the field of speech recognition, and his international leadership in neural networks and pattern classification.
Dr. Richard P. Lippmann is a Senior Staff Member in the Cyber Systems and Technology Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. He currently focuses on developing security metrics that accurately estimate risk from important cyber threats. A continuing goal of this effort is to accurately assess the risk from adversaries who progress through enterprise networks by exploiting vulnerabilities and trust relationships on hosts and network devices. This work led to NetSPA (for Network Security Planning Architecture), a software tool that creates attack graphs, has received two patents, and been licensed for commercial use.
Dr. Lippmann has pioneered the Laboratory's research in the cyber field. He directed the first careful and systematic evaluations of intrusion detection systems for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1998 and 1999. Many of the components developed for these evaluations have been expanded and improved, and are still in use. The data generated has been used extensively to develop new intrusion detection and prevention systems.
Prior to joining the Laboratory in 1981, Dr. Lippmann was the director of the Communications Engineering Laboratory of the Boys Town Institute for Communication Disorders in Children in Omaha, Nebraska. In his initial work at Lincoln Laboratory, he developed robust isolated word recognizers and word-spotting systems. An early interest in neural networks led to some of the first integrated neural network Hidden Markov Model speech recognizers and word spotters. He also developed an open-source software tool kit, LNKnet, that supports experiments on new databases by using modern neural network, machine learning, and pattern classification algorithms.
Dr. Lippmann has authored or coauthored more than 100 papers, reports, or books. He received the first IEEE Signal Processing Magazine award for the article "An Introduction to Computing with Neural Nets," which has been cited more than 6,000 times. He has supervised more than twenty SM and PhD students, and was a founding board member of the Neural Information Processing Systems Conference. In 2008, he was the program chair for the Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection Conference, which focuses on approaches to defend against and detect cyber attacks. Dr. Lippmann holds a BS degree in electrical engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn and a PhD degree in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His PhD thesis dealt with signal processing for the hearing impaired.
Dr. Gary F. Hatke
For his contributions in the development of direction finding for radar guided missiles, ground-based and airborne signals intelligence, robust GPS navigation, counter–improvised explosive device systems, and special communications.
Dr. Gary F. Hatke is the Leader of the Advanced Sensor Techniques Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. The group develops and implements techniques for signals intelligence, special communications, and undersea surveillance applications. This work includes adaptive beamforming algorithms for undersea surveillance, detection, and classification; tracking algorithms for both undersea surveillance and signals intelligence applications; high-resolution direction-of-arrival estimation algorithms for antenna array processing applications; and adaptive multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) communications techniques for special communications systems. Working prototypes implementing these algorithms have been developed and successfully fielded.
After joining the Laboratory in 1990, Dr. Hatke worked on adaptive array processing system development for signals intelligence, guidance, and navigation applications. His initial assignments dealt with polarization-diverse, high-frequency, adaptive antenna array processing. He then worked on microwave missile seeker adaptive array technology, developing a new class of algorithms that allowed efficient implementation of superresolution direction-finding techniques on multidimensional arrays. These algorithms were extended to diversely polarized two-dimensional arrays, and successfully demonstrated on the Laboratory's Airborne Seeker Test Bed aircraft. Subsequently, Dr. Hatke worked on space-time adaptive beamforming systems for anti-jam applications for Global Positioning System (GPS) adaptive antenna arrays. This work culminated with the development of the Multipath Adaptive Multi-Beam Array GPS adaptive array processor, which showed dramatic improvement in anti-jam performance over existing system designs.
Since becoming a member of the group office in 2000, Dr. Hatke has provided technical leadership in many areas, including distributed sensing and electronic attack, robust navigation in GPS-denied environments, novel communications techniques for satellite communications, advanced wire detection algorithms for counterterrorism applications, two-dimensional look-down antenna array systems for target geolocation, and advanced MIMO communications techniques for a number of stressing applications.
Dr. Hatke has given a number of invited technical talks on adaptive antenna array processing and has served as an associate editor for the IEEE's Transactions on Signal Processing. He holds a BSEE degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and MA and PhD degrees from Princeton University.
Passive Source Localization Using an Airborne Sensor Array in the Presence of Manifold Perturbations, G.F. Hatke, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 55, no. 6, 2007.
Superresolution Source Location with Planar Arrays, G.F. Hatke, Lincoln Laboratory Journal, vol. 10, no. 2, 1997.