Cyber Security and Information Sciences Publications
Cyber Security
- Architecture (Survivable System)
- Attack Graphs
- Cryptographic Protocols and Network Security
- Evaluation, Corpora, and Testing for Cyber
- Intrusion Detection and Monitoring
- Machine Learning Applied to Security
- Metrics and System Security Analysis
- Software Security Analysis
Human Language Technology
- Biometrics for Face, Fingerprint and Iris
- Biometrics for Voice
- Entity/Link Extraction
- Evaluation and Corpora for HLT
- Language/Dialect Recognition
- Machine Translation
- Microphone Arrays
- Signal Processing
- Social Network Analysis and Integration of Voice and Data Networks
- Speaker Recognition and Characterization
- Speech Coding
- Speech Enhancement
- Speech Modification/Conversion
- Speech Recognition
- Topic Modeling and Recognition
Computing and Analytics
- Architecture (Computer)
- Big Data Management and Analytics
- High Performance Computing
- Machine Learning (other than for security)
- Visualization Techniques and Analytics
Historical Publications
Publications By Author
- Cyber Systems and Operations
- Cyber Analytics and Decision Systems
- Cyber System Assessments
- Human Language Technology
- Secure Resilient Systems and Technology
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