Mayank Varia
Hamlin, A., Schear, N., Shen, E., Varia, M., Yakoubov, S., Yerukhimovich, A., Cryptography for Big Data Security, Chapter in Big Data: Storage, Sharing, and Security, Fei Hu (editor), Auerbach Publications, May 3, 2016.
(Book Chapter)
Shen, E., Varia, M., Cunningham, R. K., Vesey, W. K., Cryptographically Secure Computation, IEEE Computer, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 78-81, April 2015.
M. Varia, S. Yakoubov and Y. Yang, HETest: A Homomorphic Encryption Testing Framework, Workshop on Applied Homomorphic Encryption, Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2015.
(Full Paper)
M. Varia, B. Price, N. Hwang, A. Hamlin, J. Herzog, J. Poland, M. Reschly, S. Yakoubov and R. K. Cunningham, Automated assessment of secure search systems, ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 49 (1), 22-30, Jan 2015.
(Journal Article)
Kepner, J., Gadepally, V., Michaleas, P., Schear, N., Varia, M., Yerukhimovich, A., Computing on masked data: a high performance method for improving big data veracity, High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), p. 1-6, 2014.
(Full Paper)
Idika, N., Varia, M., Phan, H., The Probabilistic Provenance Graph, IEEE Security and Privacy Workshop on Data Usage Management 2013, San Francisco, CA, 23 May 2013.
(Full Paper)
Idika, N., Phan, H., Varia, M., Achieving Linguistic Provenance via Plagiarism Detection, International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 2013, Washington DC, 25-28 August 2013.
(Full Paper)
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