Diane Staheli
Gibson, D., Mancuso, V., Staheli D., The Expanded Role of HCI Practitioners in Privacy by Design, SIGCHI 2016, San Jose, California, 7 May 2016.
McKenna, S., Staheli, D., Fulcher, C., Meyer, M., BubbleNet: A Cyber Security Dashboard for Visualizing Patterns, Computer Graphics Forum 35(3), pp. 281-290, 2016.
Staheli, Mancuso, V., Harnasch, R., Fulcher, C., Chmielinski, M. Kearns, A., Kelly, S., Vuksani, E., Collaborative Data Analysis and Discovery for Cyber Security, 12th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2016), 2016.
Staheli, D., Mancuso, V. F., Leahy, M. J., Kalke, M. M., Cloudbreak: Answering the Challenges of Cyber Command and Control, Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Volume 22, Number 1, 2016.
(Journal Article)
McKenna, S., Staheli, D., Meyer, M., Unlocking user-centered design methods for building cyber security visualizations, IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec), October 2015.
(Full Paper)
Whiting, M., Cook, K., Grinstein, G., Fallon, J., Liggett, K., Staheli, D. and Crouser, J., VAST Challenge 2015: Mayhem at Dinofun World, 2015 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), October 2015.
(Full Paper)
Staheli, D., Yu, T., Crouser, R. J., Damodaran, S., Nam, K., O'Gwynn, D., McKenna, S. and Harrison, L., Visualization evaluation for cyber security: trends and future directions, Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on Visualization for Cyber Security, ACM, pp. 49–56, November 2014.
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Staheli, D., Brennen, A., Danico, D., Harnasch, R., Hunter, M., Larkin, R., Mineweaser, J., Nam, K., O'Gwynn, D., Phan, H., Schulz, A., Snyder, M. and Yu, T., A novel display for situational awareness at a network operations center, VAST Challenge Workshop, IEEE, 2013.
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