Kendra Kratkiewicz
Streilein, W. W., Kratkiewicz, K., Piwowarski, K., Webster, S., PANEMOTO: Network Visualization of Security Situational Awareness through Passive Analysis, 8th Annual IEEE SMC Information Assurance Workshop, West Point, New York, June 20-22, 2007.
(Full Paper)
Lippmann, R., Scott, C., Kratkiewicz, K., Artz, M., Ingols, K., Network Security Planning Architecture, Patent 7,194,769, Issued 20 March 2007.
(Patent Abstract)
Lippmann, R., Ingols, K., Scott, C., Piwowarski, K., Kratkiewicz, K., Cunningham, R., Validating and Restoring Defense in Depth using Attack Graphs, MILCOM 2006, Washington, DC, 23 October 2006.
(Full Paper)
Kratkiewicz, K., Lippmann, R., A Taxonomy of Buffer Overflows for Evaluating Static and Dynamic Software Testing Tools. Proceedings of Workshop on Software Security Assurance Tools, Techniques, and Metrics, NIST Special Publication 500-265, P. E. Black, M. Kass and E. Fong, eds., National Institute of Standards and Technology, pp. 44–51, 2005.
(Full Paper)
Kratkiewicz, K., Lippmann, R., Using a Diagnostic Corpus of C Programs to Evaluate Buffer Overflow Detection by Static Analysis Tools, Proceedings of Defining the State of the Art in Software Security Tools Workshop, NIST Special Publication 500-264, P. E. Black and E. Fong, eds. National Institute of Standards and Technology, pp. 102–111, 2005.
(Full Paper)
Kratkiewicz, K., Lippmann, R., Using a Diagnostic Corpus of C Programs to Evaluate Buffer Overflow Detection by Static Analysis Tools, BUGS05 Workshop on the Evaluation of Software Defect Detection Tools, Chicago, Illinois, 2005.
(Full Paper)
Kratkiewicz, K., Evaluating Static Analysis Tools for Detecting Buffer Overflows in C Code, Master's thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 2005.
(Full Thesis)