Kara Greenfield

K. Greenfield, R. Caceres, M. Coury, K. Geyer, Y. Gwon, J. Matterer, A. Mensch, C. Sahin, O. Simek, A Reverse Approach to Named Entity Extraction and Linking in Microposts, #Microposts2016, 2016.
(Full Paper)

K. Geyer, K. Greenfield, A. Mensch, O. Simek, Named Entity Recognition in 140 Characters or Less, #Microposts2016, 2016.
(Full Paper)

K. Greenfield, Writing Your First Paper: From Code to Research, Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, 2016.
(Full Paper)

K. Greenfield, K. Chan, J. P. Campbell, A Fun and Engaging Interface for Crowdsourcing Named Entities, Novel Incentives for Collecting Data and Annotation from People: types, implementation, tasking requirements, workflow and results, LREC Workshop, 2016.
(Full Paper)

Vijay N. Gadepally, Braden J. Hancock, Kara B. Greenfield, Joseph P. Campbell, William M. Campbell, and Albert I. Reuther, Recommender Systems for the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community, Cyber Security Special Issue, Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Volume 22, Number 1, p. 74-89, 2016.
(Journal Article)

Quillen, C., Greenfield, K., Campbell, W.,Talking Head Detection by Likelihood-Ratio Test, Second Workshop on Speech, Language, Audio in Multimedia, September 2014.
(Full Paper)

Acevedo-Aviles, J. C., Campbell, W. M., Halbert, D. C., Greenfield, K., VizLinc: Integrating information extraction, search, graph analysis, and geo-location for the visual exploration of large data sets, KDD Workshop on Interactive Data Exploration and Analytics (IDEA), August 2014.
(Full Paper)

Campbell, W., Baseman, E., Greenfield, K., Content+Context=Classification: Examining the Roles of Social Interactions and Linguist Content in Twitter User Classification, 2nd Socal NLP Workshop, August 2014.
(Full Paper)

Campbell, W., Baseman, E., Greenfield, K., Content + Context Networks for User Classification in Twitter, Frontiers of Network Analysis, NIPS Workshop, December 2013.
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Greenfield, K., Campbell, W., Link Prediction Methods For Generating Speaker Content Graphs, ICASSP 2013, Vancouver, Canada, 26-31 May 2013.
(Full Paper)

Greenfield, K., Mayhew, S., Campbell, W., RECOG: Recognition and Exploration of Content Graphs, PacificVis 2013, Sydney, Australia, 26 February – 1 March 2013.
(Full Paper)

Greenfield, K., Gottshall, A., Butler, B., Young, M., A Game on Zero Forcing Sets, SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics 2012, Halifax, Canada, 18-21 June 2012.







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