Patrick T. Cable II
Nabil Schear, Patrick T. Cable II, Thomas Moyer, Bryan Richard, and Robert Rudd, Bootstrapping and Maintaining Trust in the Cloud, 32nd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, ACSAC 2016, New York, NY, USA, December 2016.
(Full Paper)
Thomas Moyer, Patrick Cable, Karishma Chada, Robert Cunningham, Nabil Schear, Warren Smith, Adam Bates, Kevin Butler, Frank Capobianco, and Trent Jaeger, Leveraging Data Provenance to Enhance Cyber Resilience, 1st IEEE Cybersecurity Development Conference (SecDev'16). Boston, MA, USA, November 2016.
(Full Paper)
Cable, P., Schear, N., Spyglass: Demand-Provisioned Linux Containers for Private Network Access, Proceedings of the 29th Large Installation System Administration conference (LISA15), Washington DC, 8-13 November 2015.
(Full Paper)
Cable, P., Demand-Provisioned Linux Containers for Private Network Access, Proceedings of the 28th Large Installation System Administration conference (LISA14), Seattle, WA, pp. 139, 9-14 November 2014.
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