Speech/Topic Recognition
Hazen, T. J., Direct and Latent Modeling Techniques for Computing Spoken Document Similarity, Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology, Berkeley, CA, 12-15 December 2010.
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Hazen, T. J., Multi-class SVM Optimization Using MCE Training with Application to Topic Identification, Proc. of ICASSP, Dallas, TX, 14-19 March 2010.
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Hazen, T., Shen, W., White, C., Query-By-Example Spoken Term Detection Using Phonetic Posteriorgram Templates, IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, Merano, Italy, Dec. 13, 2009.
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Shen, W., Hazen, T. J., White, C. M., A Comparison of Query-By-Example Methods for Spoken Term Detection, Interspeech 2009, Brighton, UK, Sept. 6, 2009.
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Shen, W., Olive, J., Jones, D., Two Protocols Comparing Human & Machine Phonetic Discrimination Performance in Conversational Speech, Interspeech 2008, Brisbane, Australia. Sept. 22-26, 2008.
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Hazen, T. J., Richardson, F., A Hybrid SVM/MCE Training Approach for Vector Space Topic Identification of Spoken Audio Recordings, Interspeech 2008, Brisbane, Australia. Sept. 22-26, 2008.
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Hazen, T. J., Margolis, A., Discriminative Feature Weighting Using MCE Training for Topic Identification of Spoken Audio Recordings, ICASSP 2008, Las Vegas, NV. Mar. 30-Apr. 4, 2008.
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Chelba, C., Hazen, T. J., Saraclar, M., Retrieval & Browsing of Spoken Content, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Volume 25, Issue 3, May 2008 Page(s):39–49.
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Hazen, T. J., Richardson, F., Margolis, A., Topic Identification From Audio Recordings Using Word and Phone Recognition Lattices, IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, Kyoto, Japan. Dec. 9-13, 2007.
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Campbell, W. M., Richardson, F., Discriminative Keyword Selection Using Support Vector Machines, Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver, BC Canada. Dec. 3-8, 2007.
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Campbell, W., Campbell, J., Reynolds, D. A., Singer, E., Torres-Carrasquillo, P., Support Vector Machines for Speaker and Language Recognition. Computer Speech and Language, Vol. 20, No. 2–3, pp. 210–229, April 2006.
(Journal Article)
Jones, D., Wolf. F., Gibson, E., Williams, E., Fedorenko, F., Reynolds, D. A., Zissman, M., Measuring the Readability of Automatic Speech-to-Text Transcripts, In Proc. Eurospeech in Geneva, Switzerland, ISCA, 1–4 September 2003.
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Leek, T., Schwartz, R., Sista, S., Probabilistic Approaches to Topic Detection and Tracking, book chapter in Topic Detection and Tracking: Event-based Information Organization, Kluwer Academic, 2002.
Schwartz, R., Sista, S., Leek, T., Unsupervised Topic Discovery, Proceedings of Workshop on Language Modeling and Information Retrieval, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2001, pp. 72–77.
Leek, T., Sista, S., Schwartz, R., The BBN Crosslingual Topic Detection and Tracking System, in Proceedings of the Topic Detection and Tracking Workshop, 2000.
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Lippmann, Richard P. and Beth A. Carlson, Speech Recognition by Humans and Machines Under Conditions with Severe Channel Variability and Noise, Applications and Science of Artificial Neural Networks, Edited by S. Rogers and D. Ruck, SPIE: Orlando, Florida, 1997.
Chang, E. I., Lippmann, R. P., High-Performance Low-Complexity Wordspotting Using Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, In Press, 1997.
Lippmann, R.P., Speech Recognition by Machines and Humans, Speech Communication, 1997, 22(1).
Lippmann, R. P., Accurate Consonant Perception Without Mid-Frequency Speech Energy, IEEE Transations on Speech and Audio Processing, 4(1) pp. 66–69. 1996.
Lippmann, R.P. Speech Recognition by Humans and Machines: Miles to Go Before We Sleep, Speech Communications, 18(3), 247–248, 1996.
Jankowski, C. R., Vo, H.-D., and Lippmann, R. P., A Comparison of Signal Processing Front Ends for Automatic Word Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 3(4), pp. 286–293, 1995.
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Lippmann, R.P., Chang, E.I., Jankowski, C.R., Wordspotter Training Using Figure-Of-Merit Back-Propagation, In International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, Adelaide, Australia, 1994.
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Weinstein, C. J., Paul, D. B., Lippmann, R. P., Robust Speech Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models: Overview of a Research Program, Lincoln Laboratory Technical Report 875, 26 February 1990, DTIC AD-A219665.
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