Social Network Analysis

Karam, Z. N., Campbell, W. M., Dehak, N., Graph Relational Features for Speaker Recognition and Mining, Proc. IEEE SSP, Nice, France, 29 June 2011.
(Full Paper)

Karam, Z. N., Campbell, W. M., Graph-Embedding for Speaker Recognition, Interspeech, September 27, 2010.
(Full Paper)

Delaney, B., Fast, A., Campbell, W. M., Weinstein, C., Jensen, D., The Application of Statistical Relational Learning to a Database of Criminal and Terrorist Activity, SIAM Data Mining Conference, April 29, 2010.
(Full Paper)

Campbell, W. M., Barrett, S., Acevedo-Aviles, J., Delaney, B., Weinstein, C., Detection and Simulation of Scenarios with Hidden Markov Models and Event Dependency Graphs, ICASSP 2010, Dallas, Texas, March 14, 2010.
(Full Paper)

Campbell, J. P., Campbell, W. M., McCree, A. V., Weinstein, C. J., Lewandowski, S. M., Cognitive Services for the User, Chapter 10, in B.A. Fette, ed, Cognitive Radio Technology, 2e, Academic Press (Elsevier), Burlington, 2009, pp 305-324.
(Book Chapter)

Campbell, W., Weinstein, C., Delaney, B., Acevedo-Aviles, J., Modeling and Simulating Violent Group Activity from Multimedia Content, 2009 NAACSOS Annual Conference, Tempe, AZ, Oct. 23, 2009.

Weinstein, C., Campbell, W. M., Delaney, B. W., O’Leary, G., Modeling and Detection Techniques for Counter-Terror Social Network Analysis and Intent Recognition, 2009 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT. Mar. 7-14, 2009.
(Full Paper)


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