Intrusion Detection and Monitoring
Carter, K., Streilein, W., Probabilistic Reasoning for Streaming Anomaly Detection, in Proceedings of IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI, August 5, 2012.
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Carter, K., Gold, K., Priest, B., Analytics for Cyber Situational Awareness, 80th Annual MORS Symposium, Colorado Springs, CO, June 14, 2012.
Streilein, W. W., Truelove, J., Meiners, C. R., Eakman, G., Cyber situational awareness through operational streaming analysis, Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2011), Baltimore, MD, November 7-11, 2011.
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Webster, S., Lippmann, R., Zissman, M., Experience using Active and Passive Mapping for Network Situational Awareness, 5th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, 24 July 2006.
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Boyer, S. W., Cunningham, R. K., Network Intrusion Scenario Recognition via Multi-Sensor Alert Correlation, Lincoln Technical Series, 2005.
Boyer, S. W., Dain, O., Cunningham, R. K., Stellar: A Fusion System for Scenario Construction and Security Risk Assessment, Third IEEE International Information Assurance Workshop, University of Maryland, 23–24 March 2005.
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McLain, C.D., Kassay, D.A., Cunningham, R.K., Battlefield Intrusion Detection System V2, MILCOM 2004, November 2004.
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Cunningham, R. K., Kassay, D. A., McLain, C. D., Battlefield Intrusion Detection System, Proceedings MILCOM 2003, Boston Massachusetts, USA, October 2003.
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Rabek, J. C., Cunningham, R. K., Khazan, R. I., Detecting Privilege-Escalating Executable Exploits, ICDM Workshop on Data Mining for Computer Security, Melbourne, Florida, USA, November 2003.
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Weaver, N. , Paxson, V., Staniford, S., Cunningham, R. K., A Taxonomy of Computer Worms, Proceedings of the 2003 Workshop on Rapid Malcode (WORM), Washington DC, USA, pp. 11–18, October 2003.
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Rabek, J. C., Khazan, R. I., Lewandowski, S. M., Cunningham, R. K., Detection of Injected, Dynamically Generated, and Obfuscated Malicious Code, Proceedings of the 2003 ACM Workshop on Rapid Malcode (WORM), Washington, DC, USA, pp. 76–82, October 2003.
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Pack D., Streilein W., Webster S., Cunningham R., Detecting HTTP Tunneling Activities, Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE, Workshop on Information Assurance, United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, June 2002.
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Rossey, L. M., Cunningham, R. K., Fried, D., Rabek, J. C., Lippmann, R. P., Haines, J., Zissman, M. A., LARIAT: Lincoln Adaptable Real-Time Information Assurance Testbed, IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, USA, March 9–16, 2002.
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Dain, O. M., Cunningham, R. K., Building Scenarios from a Heterogeneous Alert Stream, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2002.
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Lippmann, R. P., Webster, S. E., and D. Stetson, The Effect of Identifying Vulnerabilities and Patching Software on the Utility of Network Intrusion Detection, in Proceedings of Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 5th International Symposium, RAID 2002, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 2516, A. Wespi, G. Vigna, and L. Deri, Editors, 2002.
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Dain, O. M., Cunningham, R. K., Fusing a Heterogeneous Alert Stream Into Scenarios, Proceedings of the Eighth {ACM} Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2001.
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Streilein, W. W., Cunningham, R. K., Webster, S. E., Improved Detection of Low-Profile Probe and Denial-of-Service Attacks, Workshop on Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques in Computer Intrusion Detection, June, 2001.
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Basu, R., Cunningham, R. K., Webster, S. E., Lippmann, R. P., Detecting Low-Profile Probes and Novel Denial-of-Service Attacks, IEEE SMC IA&S Workshop 2001, West Point, New York, USA, June 2001.
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Haines, J. W., Rossey, L. M., Lippmann, R. P., Cunningham, R. K., Extending the DARPA Off-Line Intrusion Detection Evaluations, DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition II Proceedings, Vol. 1, June 2001.
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Cunningham, R. K., Lippmann, R. P., Webster, S. E., Detecting and Displaying Novel Computer Attacks with Macroscope, IEEE SMC Information Assurance and Security Workshop, West Point, New York, USA, June 5–7, 2000.
Lippmann, R. P., Haines, J. W., Fried, D. J., Korba, J., and Das, K., Analysis and Results of the 1999 DARPA Off-Line Intrusion Detection Evaluation, Third International Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID 2000), Toulouse, France, 2000.
Lippmann, R. P., Haines, J. W., Fried, D. J., Korba, J., and Das, K., The 1999 DARPA Off-Line Intrusion Detection Evaluation, Computer Networks, In Press, 2000.
Cunningham, R. K., Lippmann, R. P., Fried, D. J., Garfinkel, S. L., Graf, I., Kendall, K. R., Webster, S. E., Wyschogrod, D., Zissman, M. A., Evaluating Intrusion Detection Systems without Attacking Your Friends: The 1998 DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation, Proceedings of Third Conference and Workshop on Intrusion Detection and Response, San Diego, California, USA, 1999.
Lippmann, R. P., Cunningham, R. K., Fried, D. J., Graf, I., Kendall, K. R., Webster, S. W., and Zissman, M., Results of the 1999 DARPA Off-Line Intrusion Detection Evaluation, Second International Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID 1999), West Lafayette, Indiana, 1999.
Lippmann, R. P., Cunningham, R.K., Fried, D.J., Garfinkel, S.L., Gorton, A.S., Graf, I., Kendall, K.R., McClung, D. J., Weber, D.J., Webster, S.E., Wyschogrod, D. Zissman, M.A., The 1998 DARPA/AFRL Off-Line Intrusion Detection Evaluation, First International Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 1998.
Webster, S. E., The Development and Analysis of Intrusion Detection Algorithms. Master's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 1998.