Tamara H. Yu
Vuksani, E., Yu, T., Lippmann, R., Moore, T., Riordan, J., Device Dash: An Educational Computer Security Game, Symposium On Usability, Privacy, and Security, Newcastle, UK, July 2013.
Vuksani, E., Moore, T., Yu, T., Lippmann, R., Device Dash: Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating an Educational Computer Security Game, Ruhlman Conference, Wellesley, MA, July 2013.
(Full Paper)
Yu, T., Lincoln Cyber Situational Awareness Pilot, ARTS 2013 Advanced Research and Technology Symposium, Lexington, MA, February 2013.
Lippmann, R., Riordan, J., Yu, T., Watson, K., Continuous Security Metrics for Prevalent Network Threats: Introduction and First Four Metrics, Project Report IA-3, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 22 May 2012.
(Project Report)
Yu, T., Lippmann, R., Riordan, J., Boyer, S., EMBER: A Global Perspective on Extreme Malicious Behavior, VizSec 2010, Ottawa, Canada, 14 September 2010.
(Full Paper)
Yu, T. H., Rossey, L., Cunningham, R. K., Fuller, B. W., Integrated Environment Management for Information Operations Testbeds, VIZSEC 2007, Sacramento, CA. Oct. 29, 2007.
(Full Paper)
Rossey, L., Yu, T. H., Managing Large-Scale Information Operations Tests, 2008-2009 Technical Seminar Series, March 5, 2007.
Engels, R., Yu, T., Burge, C., Mesirov, J. P., DeCaprio, D., Galagan, J. E., Combo: a Whole Genome Comparative Browser, Bioinformatics, v.22 n.14, p.1782-1783, July 2006.
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