William W. Streilein
Carter, K. M., Idika, N., Streilein, W. W., Probabilistic Threat Propagation for Malicious Activity Detection, Proceedings of ICASSP 2013, Vancouver, B.C., May 2013.
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Skowyra, R., Casteel, K., Okhravi, H., Zeldovich, N., Streilein, W., Systematic Analysis of Defenses Against Return-Oriented Programming, 16th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID 2013), St. Lucia, October 2013.
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Gold, K., Weber, Z., Priest, B., Ziegler, J., Sittig, K., Streilein, W., Mazumder, M., Modeling How Thinking About the Past and Future Impacts Network Traffic with the GOSMR Architecture, Proceedings of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMS), May 2013.
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Carter, K., Streilein, W., Probabilistic Reasoning for Streaming Anomaly Detection, in Proceedings of IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI, August 5, 2012.
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Blumenthal, U., Haines, J., Streilein, W., O'Leary, J., Information Security for Situational Awareness, chapter of the book Situational Awareness for Computer Network Defense, IGI Global, January 31, 2012.
Streilein, W. W., Truelove, J., Meiners, C. R., Eakman, G., Cyber situational awareness through operational streaming analysis, Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2011), Baltimore, MD, November 7-11, 2011.
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Reilly-Raska, L, Su, J., Bisso, P., Braun, J., Evans, B., Greene, N,. Lacirignola, J., Lippmann, R., Quatieri, T., Streilein, W., Vian, T., Multi-Modal Early Detection Interactive Classifier (MEDIC) for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) Triage: FY11 Project Report, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, Technical Report, 17 October 2011.
Streilein, W. W., Kratkiewicz, K., Piwowarski, K., Webster, S., PANEMOTO: Network Visualization of Security Situational Awareness through Passive Analysis, 8th Annual IEEE SMC Information Assurance Workshop, West Point, New York, June 20-22, 2007.
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Pack D., Streilein W., Webster S., Cunningham R., Detecting HTTP Tunneling Activities, Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE, Workshop on Information Assurance, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, June 2002.
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Streilein, W. W., Cunningham, R. K., Webster, S. E., Improved Detection of Low-Profile Probe and Denial-of-Service Attacks, Workshop on Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques in Computer Intrusion Detection, June, 2001.
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Streilein, W. W., Waxman, A., Ross, W. D., Liu, F., Braun, M., Fay, D., Harmon, P., Read, C.H., Fused Multi-Sensor Image Mining for Feature Foundation Data, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Fusion, Vol. 1, pp. TuC3-18–25, July, 2000.
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Ross, W. D., Waxman, A. M., Streilein W. W., Aguilar, M., Verly, J., Liu, F., Braun, M. I., Harmon, P., Rak, S., Multi-Sensor 3D Image Fusion and Interactive Search, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Fusion, Vol. 1, pp. TuC3-10–17, July, 2000.
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Fay D.A., Waxman A. M., Aguilar M., Ireland D. B., Racamato J. P., Ross W.D., Streilein W.W., Braun, M.I., Fusion of 2-/3-/4-Sensory Imagery for Visualization, Target Learning and Search, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4023 Enhanced and Synthetic Vision, 2000.
Fay, D.A., Waxman, A. M., Aguilar, M., Ireland, D. B., Racamato, J. P., Ross, W.D., Streilein, W.W., Braun, M.I., Fusion of Multi-Sensor Imagery for Night Vision: Color Visualization, Target Learning and Search, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Fusion, Vol. 1, pp. TuD3–10, July, 2000.
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