James F. Riordan
Vuksani, E., Yu, T., Lippmann, R., Moore, T., Riordan, J., Device Dash: An Educational Computer Security Game, Symposium On Usability, Privacy, and Security, Newcastle, UK, July 2013.
Lippmann, R., Riordan, J., Yu, T., Watson, K., Continuous Security Metrics for Prevalent Network Threats: Introduction and First Four Metrics, Project Report IA-3, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 22 May 2012.
(Project Report)
Yu, T., Lippmann, R., Riordan, J., Boyer, S., EMBER: A Global Perspective on Extreme Malicious Behavior, VizSec 2010, Ottawa, Canada, 14 September 2010.
(Full Paper)
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