Douglas A. Jones
Jones, D., Shen, W., Machine Translation for Government Application, Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Lexington, MA, July 16, 2009.
(Full Paper)
Jones, D., Shen, W., Using Military and Government Standards for MT Evaluation, Gale Book Chapter, Lexington, MA, May 8, 2009.
(Book Chapter)
Shen, W., Olive, J., Jones, D., Two Protocols Comparing Human & Machine Phonetic Discrimination Performance in Conversational Speech, Interspeech 2008, Brisbane, Australia. Sept. 22-26, 2008.
(Full Paper)
Jones, D. A., Jairam, A., Shen, W., ILR-Based MT Comprehension Test with Multi-Level Questions, HLT/NAACL 2007, Rochester, NY. Apr. 22-27, 2007.
(Full Paper)
Jones, D., Jairam, A., Shen, W., Experimental Facility for Measuring the Impact of Environmental Noise and Speaker Variation on Speech-to-Speech Translation Devices, IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology, Palm Beach, Aruba, December 10–13, 2006.
(Full Paper)
Jones, D., Shen, W., Two New Experiments for ILR-Based MT Evaluation, AMTA 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, August 8, 2006.
Jones, D., Shen, W., Delaney, B., Toward an Interagency Language Roundtable Based Assessment of Speech-to-Speech Translation Abilities, AMTA 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, August 8, 2006.
(Full Paper)
Jones, D. A., Measuring the Utility of Human Language Technology for Intelligence Analysis, International Conference on Intelligence Analysis, McLean, Virginia, May 2005.
Jones, D., Shen, W., Weinstein, C., Measuring Translation Quality by Testing English Speakers with a New Defense Language Proficiency Test for Arabic, International Conference on Intelligence Analysis, McLean, Virginia, May 2005.
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Jones, D., Shen, W., Reynolds, D., Weinstein, C., Measuring Human Readability of Machine Generated Text: Three Case Studies in Speech Recognition and Machine Translation, ICASSP2005, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 18–23 March 2005.
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Jones, D. A., Shen, W., Reynolds, D., Two Experiments Comparing Reading with Listening for Human Processing of Conversational Telephone Speech, Interspeech 2005 – Eurospeech Conference, 2005.
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Jones, D. A., Shen, W., Weinstein, C., New Measures of Effectiveness for Human Language Technology, Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2005.
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Jones, D., Two New Experimental Protocols for Measuring Speech Transcript Readability for Timed Question-Answering Tasks, DARPA EARS RT-04F Workshop, White Plaines, New York, November 8–11, 2004.
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Campbell, W. M., Campbell, J. P., Reynolds, D. A., Jones, D. A., and Leek, T. R., High-Level Speaker Verification with Support Vector Machines, In Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing in Montréal, Québec, Canada, IEEE, pp. I: 73–76, 17–21 May 2004.
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Clifford, R., Granoien, N., Jones, D. A., Shen, W., Weinstein, C. J., The Effect of Text Difficulty on Machine Translation Performance—A Pilot Study with ILR-Rated Texts in Spanish, Farsi, Arabic, Russian and Korean, In Proc. 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation in Lisbon, Portugal, ELRA, May 24–30, 2004.
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Reynolds, D. A., Campbell, J. P., Campbell, W. M., Dunn, R. B., Gleason, T. P., Jones, D. A., Quatieri, T. F., Quillen, C. B., Sturim, D. E., and Torres-Carrasquillo, P. A., Beyond Cepstra: Exploiting High-Level Information in Speaker Recognition, In Proc. Workshop on Multimodal User Authentication in Santa Barbara, California, pp. 223–229, 11–12 December 2003.
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Campbell, W. M., Campbell, J. P., Reynolds, D. A., Jones, D. A., and Leek, T. R., Phonetic Speaker Recognition with Support Vector Machines, In Proc. Neural Information Processing Systems Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, pp. 1377–1384, 8–13 December 2003.
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Campbell, J. P., Campbell, W. M., Jones, D. A., Lewandowski, S. M., Reynolds, D. A., and Weinstein, C. J., Biometrically Enhanced Software-Defined Radios. In Proc. Software Defined Radio Technical Conference in Orlando, Florida, SDR Forum, 17–19 November 2003.
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Hazen, T. J., Jones, D. A., Park, A., Kukolich, L. C., Reynolds, D. A., Integration of Speaker Recognition into Conversational Spoken Dialogue Systems, In Proc. Eurospeech in Geneva, Switzerland, ISCA, 1–4 September 2003.
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Jones, D., Wolf. F., Gibson, E., Williams, E., Fedorenko, F., Reynolds, D. A., Zissman, M., Measuring the Readability of Automatic Speech-to-Text Transcripts, In Proc. Eurospeech in Geneva, Switzerland, ISCA, 1–4 September 2003.
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Reynolds, D. A,, Andrews, W., Campbell, J., Navratil, J., Peskin, B., Adami, A., Jin, Q., Klusacek, D., Abramson, J., Mihaescu, R., Godfrey, J., Jones, D., Xiang, B., The SuperSID Project: Exploiting High-level Information for High-Accuracy Speaker Recognition, In Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing in Hong Kong, China, IEEE, pp. IV: 784–787, 6–10 April 2003.
(Full Paper)
Peskin, B., Navratil, J., Abramson, J., Jones, D., Klusacek, D., Reynolds, D. A., Xiang, B., Using Prosodic and Conversational Features for High Performance Speaker Recognition: Report from JHU WS'02, In Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing in Hong Kong, China, IEEE, pp. IV: 792–795, 6–10 April 2003.
(Full Paper)
Reynolds, D. A., Andrews, W., Campbell, J., Navratil, J., Peskin, B., Adami, A., Jin, Q., Klusacek, D., Abramson, J., Mihaescu, R., Jones, D., Xiang, B., Overview of The JHU WS2002 SuperSID Project, Report from Johns Hopkins University Workshop 2002. Manuscript submitted to ICASSP 2003 Special Session. pp. 784–787.
Peskin, B., Navratil, J., Abramson, J., Jones, D. A., Klusacek, D., D. A., Reynolds, Xiang, B., Using Prosodic and Conversational Features for High Performance Speaker Recognition, Report from Johns Hopkins University Workshop 2002 Manuscript submitted to ICASSP 2003 Special Session.
Jones, D. A., Rusk, G., Toward a Scoring Function for Quality-Driven Machine Translation, In Proceedings for Conference for Computational Linguistics (COLING-2000), August 2000, Saarbruecken, Germany.
Jones, D. A., Havrilla, R., Twisted Pair Grammar: Support for Rapid Development of Machine Translation for Low Density Languages, In the Proceedings of the Association of Machine Translation in the Americas. October 1998, Langhorne, Pennsylvania.
Dorr B. J., Jones, D. A., Role of Word Sense Disambiguation in Lexical Acquisition: Predicting Semantics from Syntactic Cues, In Proceedings for Conference for Computational Linguistics (COLING-1996) in August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark. 6 pages.
Dorr, B. J., Jones, D. A., Acquisition of Semantic Lexicons: Using Word Sense Disambiguation to Improve Precision, In Proceedings for Special Interest Group on the Lexicon (SIGLEX-96) meeting held at the Association for Computational Linguistics Conference (ACL-96) June 28, 1996, Santa Cruz, California. 9 pages.
Jones, D. A., Li, L., A Study of Two Chinese Translations of "Syntactic Structures," Technical Report: UMIACS-TR-95-122, December 1995, University of Maryland, College Park. 55 pages.
Jones, D. A., Predicting Semantics from Syntactic Cues—An Evaluation of Levin's English Verb Classes and Alternations, Technical Report: UMIACS-TR-95-121, December 1995, University of Maryland, College Park. 59 pages.
Jones, D. A., Berwick, R. C., Cho, F., Khan, Z. R., Nomura, N., Radhakrishnan, A., Sauerland, U., Ulicny, B., Verb Classes and Alternations in Bangla, German, English, and Korean. MIT AI MEMO 1517, August 1994, 72 pages.
Nomura, N., Jones, D. A., Berwick, R. C., An Architecture for a Universal Lexicon: A Case Study on Shared Syntactic Information in Japanese, Hindi, Bengali, Greek, and English, In Proceedings for Conference for Computational Linguistics (COLING-1994), August 1994, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 243–249.
Jones, D. A., Binding as an Interface Condition: An Investigation of Hindi Scrambling, Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, August 1993, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Distributed by MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.
Jones, D. A., Control and Reconstruction Effects of Adjuncts in Hindi, In the Proceedings of the Northeast Linguistics Society NELS 22, 1992.
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