Charles R. Jankowski, Jr.
Jankowski Jr., C. R., Quatieri, T. F., Reynolds, D. A., Fine Structure Features for Speaker Identification, ICASSP '96 Proceedings, May 1996.
Jankowski, C. R., Vo, H.-D., Lippmann, R. P., A Comparison of Signal Processing Front Ends for Automatic Word Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 3(4), pp. 286–293, 1995.
Jankowski Jr., C. R., Quatieri, T. F., Reynolds, D. A., Measuring Fine Structure in Speech: Application to Speaker Identification, Proc. ICASSP '95, pp. 325–328, 1995.
Jankowski Jr., C. R., Quatieri, T. F., Reynolds, D. A., Formant AM-FM for Speaker Identification, Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, pp. 608–611, 1994.
Jankowski, C., Kalyanswamy, A., Basson, S., Spitz, J., NTIMIT: A Phonetically Balanced, Continuous Speech, Telephone Bandwidth Speech Database, ICASSP '90 Proceedings, Vol. 1, pp. 109–112, 1990.
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