Robert K. Cunningham
C.V. Wright, C. Connelly, T. Braje, J.C. Rabek, L.M. Rossey, R.K. Cunningham, Generating Client Workloads and High-Fidelity Network Traffic for Controllable, Repeatable Experiments in Computer Security, RAID 2010, Ottawa, CA, 15-17 September 2010.
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Pfleeger, S. L., Cunningham, R. K., Why Measuring Security is Hard, IEEE S&P Magazine, Washington D.C., March 11, 2010.
(Journal Article)
Zhivich, M., Cunningham, R. The Real Cost of Software Errors, IEEE Security & Privacy, 7(2), March/April 2009.
(Journal Article)
Maddi, S., McLain, C. D., Cunningham, R. K., Lippmann, R. P., IPsec with Two Encryption Zones and its Security Benefits to Disadvantaged Networks, MILCOM 2008, San Diego, CA. Nov. 17-19, 2008.
Yu, T. H., Rossey, L., Cunningham, R. K., Fuller, B. W., Integrated Environment Management for Information Operations Testbeds, VIZSEC 2007, Sacramento, CA. Oct. 29, 2007.
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Cunningham, R. K., Zhivich, M., Securing Process Control Systems of Today and Tomorrow, Critical Infrastructure Protection Conference, Hanover, NH. Mar. 19-21, 2007.
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Lippmann, R., Ingols, K., Scott, C., Piwowarski, K., Kratkiewicz, K., Cunningham, R., Validating and Restoring Defense in Depth using Attack Graphs, MILCOM 2006, Washington, DC, 23 October 2006.
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Khazan, R., Figueriredo, R., McLain, C., Cunningham, R., Securing Communication of Dynamic Groups in Dynamic Network-Centric Environments, MILCOM 2006, Washington, DC, 23 October 2006.
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Cunningham, R., Hernandez, N., YAMA: Simplifying Computer Network Intrusion Detection Experiment Analysis, RAID 2006, Hamburg, Germany, 11 September 2006.
Khazan, R., McLain, C., Cunningham, R., Securing Communication of Dynamic Groups in Dynamic Network-Centric Environments, Tactical Networking Workshop, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, 14 June 2006.
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McLain, C. D., Kassay, D., Cunningham, R. K., Battlefield Intrusion Detection System Version 2, Proceedings MILCOM 2004, Monterey, CA, USA, November 2004.
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Rabek, J. C., Cunningham, R. K., Khazan, R. I., Detecting Privilege-Escalating Executable Exploits, ICDM Workshop on Data Mining for Computer Security, Melbourne, Florida, USA, November 2003.
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Weaver, N. , Paxson, V., Staniford, S., Cunningham, R. K., A Taxonomy of Computer Worms, Proceedings of the 2003 Workshop on Rapid Malcode (WORM), Washington DC, USA, pp. 11–18, October 2003.
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Epstein, B., Weinstein, C.J., Cunningham, R.K., System Adaptation as a Trust Response in Tactical Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings MILCOM 2003, pp. 209–214, October 2003.
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Cunningham, R. K., Kassay, D. A., McLain, C. D., Battlefield Intrusion Detection System, Proceedings MILCOM 2003, Boston MA, USA, October 2003.
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Rabek, J. C., Khazan, R. I., Lewandowski, S. M., Cunningham, R. K., Detection of Injected, Dynamically Generated, and Obfuscated Malicious Code, Proceedings of the 2003 ACM Workshop on Rapid Malcode (WORM), Washington, DC, USA, pp. 76–82, October 2003.
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Streilein, W. W., Fried, D. J., Cunningham, R. K., Detecting Flood-based Denial-of-Service Attacks with SNMP/RMON, Workshop on Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques in Computer Intrusion Detection, Fairfax, Virginia, USA, September 2003.
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Weaver, N., Paxson, V., Staniford, S., Cunningham, R. K., Large Scale Malicious Code: A Research Agenda, March 2003.
Pack D., Streilein W., Webster S., Cunningham R., Detecting HTTP Tunneling Activities, Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE, Workshop on Information Assurance, United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, June 2002.
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Dain, O. M., Cunningham, R. K., Building Scenarios from a Heterogeneous Alert Stream, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2002.
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Streilein, W., Cunningham, R. K., Webster, S. E., Improved Detection of Low-Profile Probe and Novel Denial-of-Service Attacks, Workshop on Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques in Computer Intrusion Detection, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, June 11–13, 2002.
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Rossey, L. M., Cunningham, R. K., Fried, D., Rabek, J. C., Lippmann, R. P., Haines, J., Zissman, M. A., LARIAT: Lincoln Adaptable Real-Time Information Assurance Testbed, IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, USA, March 9–16, 2002.
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Cunningham, R. K., Reiser, A., Detecting Source Code of Attacks that Increase Privilege, RAID 2000 Proceedings, Toulouse, France, October 2–4, 2000.
Cunningham, R. K., Lippmann, R. P., Webster, S. E., Detecting and Displaying Novel Computer Attacks with Macroscope, IEEE SMC Information Assurance and Security Workshop, West Point, NY, USA, June 5–7, 2000.
Lippmann, R. P., David J. Fried, Isaac Graf, Joshua W. Haines, Kristopher R. Kendall, David McClung, Dan Weber, Seth E. Webster, Dan Wyschogrod, Robert K. Cunningham, and Marc A. Zissman, Evaluating Intrusion Detection Systems: The 1998 DARPA Off-line Intrusion Detection Evaluation , Proceedings DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition (DISCEX) 2000, Vol. 2, pp. 12–26, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2000.
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Cunningham, R. K., Stevenson, C., Accurately Detecting Source Code of Attacks That Increase Privilege, RAID 2001 Proceedings, Davis, California, CA, USA, pp. 104–116, October, 2001.
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Dain, O.M., Cunningham, R. K., Fusing a Heterogeneous Alert Stream into Scenarios, ACM Computer and Communications Security 2001. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Nov. 5–8, 2001.
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Cunningham, R. K., Lippmann, R. P., Webster, S. E., Detecting and Displaying Novel Computer Attacks with Macroscope, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A, 31, pp. 275–281, July 2001.
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Haines, J.W., Rossey, L. M., Lippmann, R.P., Cunningham, R. K., Extending the Darpa Off-line Intrusion Detection Evaluations, DISCEX II, Anaheim, CA, USA, Vol. 1, pp. 35–45, June 12–14, 2001.
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Basu, R., Cunningham, R. K., Webster, S. E., Lippmann, R. P., Detecting Low-Profile Probes and Novel Denial-of-Service Attacks, IEEE SMC IA&S Workshop 2001, West Point, New York, USA, June 2001.
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Cunningham, R. K., Lippmann, R. P., Fried, D. J., Garfinkel, S. L., Graf, I., Kendall, K. R., Webster, S. E., Wyschogrod, D., Zissman, M. A., Evaluating Intrusion Detection Systems without Attacking Your Friends: The 1998 DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation, Proceedings of Third Conference and Workshop on Intrusion Detection and Response, San Diego, CA, USA, 1999.
Cunningham, R.K., Lippmann, R.P., Kassay, D.A., Webster, S.E., Zissman, M.A., Host-Based Bottleneck Verification Efficiently Detects Novel Computer Attacks, MILCOM 1999, October 1999.
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Cunningham, R., Beck, J., Mingolla, E., Photo-realistic Scenes with Cast Shadows Show No Above/Below Search Asymmetries for Illumination Direction, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA, Technical Report CAS/CNS-98-034, December 1998.
Lippmann, R. P., Cunningham, R. K., Fried, D. J., Garfinkel, S. L., Gorton, A. S., Graf, I., Kendall, K. R., McClung, D. J. Weber, D. J., Webster, S. E., Wyschogrod, D., Zissman, M. A., The 1998 DARPA/AFRL Off-Line Intrusion Detection Evaluation, First International Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 1998.
Cunningham, R. K., Learning and Using Patterns of Motion, Color and Form, PhD thesis, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA, 1997.
Gove, A. N., Cunningham, R. K., Waxman, A. M., Opponent-color Visual Processing Applied to Multispectral Infrared Imagery, Proceedings of IRIS Specialty Group on Passive Sensors II, Monetry, CA, 1996.
Cunningham, R. K., LLPL: A Parallel Library for Two-Dimensional Data Division and Effective Use of SHARC-based Parallel Computers, Proceedings of Scalable Parallel Libraries III, Mississippi State University, USA, 1996.
Steele, R., Cunningham, R. K., LL/eMPI: An Implementation of MPI for Embedded Systems, Proceedings of Scalable Parallel Libraries III, Mississippi State University, USA, 1996.
Waxman, A. M., Seibert, M. C., Gove, A., Fay, D. A., Bernardon, A. M., Lazott, C., Steele, W. R., Cunningham, R. K., Neural Processing of Targets in Visible, Multispectral IR and SAR Imagery, Neural Networks, Vol. 8, pp. 1029–1051, 1995.
Cunningham, R. K., Waxman, A. M., Estimating Image Velocity with Convected Activation Profiles: Analysis and improvements for Special Cases, Proceedings of Neural Networks for Signal Processing V, Boston, MA, USA, 1995.
Cunningham, R. K., Waxman, A. M., Diffusion-Enhancement Bilayer: Realizing Long-Range Apparent Motion and Spatiotemporal Grouping in a Neural Architecture, Neural Networks, Vol. 7, pp. 895–924, 1994.
Waxman, A. M., Seibert, M., Gove, A. N., Fay, D. A., Cunningham, R. K., Bachelder, I. A., Visual Learning of Objects: Neural Models of Shape, Color, Motion and Space, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, 1994.
Cunningham, R. K., Waxman, A. M., Learning Image Motion Fields of 3D Objects in Motion, Proceedings of World Congress on Neural Networks, New Jersey, USA, 1994.
Cunningham, R. K., Waxman, A. M., Parametric Study of Diffusion-Enhancement Networks for Spatiotemporal Grouping in Real-time Artificial Vision, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, USA, ESC-TR-92-207, 1993.
Cunningham, R. K., Implementation and Analysis of Optic Flow: in Integral Part of a Vision System, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA, 1992.
Cunningham, R. K., Waxman, A. M., Parametric Study of Diffusion-Enhancement Networks for Spatiotemporal Grouping in Real-time Artificial Vision, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, USA, ESC-TR-92-121, 1992.
Lacoss, R. T., Curtis, S. R., Cunningham, R. K., Seismic Phase and Event Recognition Using Algorithms that Learn from Examples, Proceedings of 14th Annual PL/Darpa Seismic Research Symposium, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 1992.
Cunningham, R. K., Waxman, A. M., Astroglial-Neural Networks, Diffusion-Enhancement Bilayers, and Spatiotemporal Grouping Dynamics, Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Seattle, WA, USA, 1991.
Cunningham, R. K., Waxman, A. M., Astroglial-Neural Networks, Diffusion-Enhancement Bilayers, and Spatiotemporal Grouping Dynamics, Proceedings of Proceedings of the SPIE conference Sensor Fusion IV: Control paradigms and data structures, 1991.
Cunningham, R. K., Waxman, A. M., Parametric Study of Diffusion-Enhancement Networks for Spatiotemporal Grouping in Real-time Artificial Vision, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, USA, ESD-TR-91-108, 1991.
Waxman, A. M., Seibert, M., Cunningham, R. K., Wu, J., The Neural-analog Diffusion-enhancement Layer and Spatiotemporal Grouping in Early Vision, In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Vol. 1, D. S. Touretzky, ed. San Mateo, California, USA, 1988, pp. 289–296.
Waxman, A. M., Seibert, M., Cunningham, R. K., Wu, J., The Neural-analog Diffusion-enhancement Layer and Early Visual Processing, Proceedings of Proc. SPIE Conf. on Visual Communications and Image Processing '88, Cambridge, MA, USA, 1988.
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