Michael S. Brandstein
Brady, K., Brandstein, M.S., Quatieri, T.F., Dunn, R.B., An Evaluation of Audio-Visual Person Recognition on the XM2VTS Corpus using the Lausanne Protocols, ICASSP2007, Honolulu, HI, 15 April 2007.
(Full Paper)
Quatieri, T, Brady, K., Campbell, J., Campbell, W., Brandstein, M., Weinstein, C., Exploiting Nonacoustic Sensors for Speech Encoding, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Vol. 14, No. 2, March 2006.
(Full Paper)
Brandstein, M. S., Ward, D. B., (eds.), Microphone Arrays: Signal Processing Techniques and Applications, Springer Verlag, 2001.
Griebel, S., Brandstein, M., Microphone Array Source Localization Using Realizable Delay Vectors, In 2001 Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, New York, October 21–24, 2001.
DiBiase, J., Silverman, H., Brandstein, M., Robust Localization in Reverberant Rooms, In M. S. Brandstein and D. B. Ward (eds.), Microphone Arrays: Signal Processing Techniques and Applications, Springer Verlag, 2001.
Griebel, S., Brandstein, M., Microphone Array Speech Dereverberation Using Coarse Channel Modeling, ICASSP01, Salt Lake City, Utah, IEEE, May 7–11, 2001.
Brandstein, M., Griebel, S., Explicit Speech Modeling for Microphone Array Applications, In M. S. Brandstein and D. B. Ward (eds.), Microphone Arrays: Signal Processing Techniques and Applications, Springer Verlag, 2001.
Wang, C., Griebel, S., Hsu, B., Brandstein, M., Real-Time Automated Video and Audio Capture with Multiple Cameras and Microphones, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems, 29(1/2):81–100, Aug/Sep 2001.
Brandstein, M., Ward, D., Cell-Based Beamforming (CE-BABE) for Speech Acquisition with Microphone Arrays, IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Proc., Vol. 8(6):738–743, 2000.
Brandstein, M., Griebel, S., Nonlinear, Model-Based Microphone Array Speech Enhancement, In J. Benesty and S. Gay, eds, Theory and Applications of Acoustic Signal Processing For Telecommunication, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
Wang, C., Brandstein, M., Head Pose Estimation for Video-Conferencing with Multiple Cameras and Microphones, International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), 2000.
Wang, C., Griebel, S., Brandstein, M., Robust Automatic Video-Conferencing with Multiple Cameras and Microphones, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2000.
Freedman, D., Brandstein, M., Contour Tracking in Clutter: A Subset Approach, International Journal of Computer Vision, 38 (2):1–14, July 2000.
Freedman, D., Brandstein, M., Provably Fast Algorithms for Contour Tracking, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2000.
Wang, C., Brandstein, M., Robust Head Pose Estimation by Machine Learning, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2000.
Ward, D., Brandstein, M., Grid-Based Beamformer Design for Room-Environment Microphone Arrays, In 1999 Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, New York, October 17–20, 1999.
Griebel, S., Brandstein, M., Wavelet Transform Extrema Clustering for Multi-Channel Speech Dereverberation, In IEEE Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control, Pocono Manor, Pennsylvania, September 27–30 1999.
Brandstein, M., An Event-Based Method for Microphone Array Speech Enhancement, In ICASSP99, pp. 953–956, Phoenix, AZ, IEEE, March 15–19, 1999.
Wang, C., Brandstein, M., Multi-Source Face Tracking with Audio and Visual Data, In IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 13–15, 1999.
Freedman, D., Brandstein, M., Methods of Global Optimization in Contour Tracking, In Proceedings of the Thirty Third Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, October 1999.
Freedman, D., Brandstein, M., A Subset Approach to Contour Tracking in Clutter, In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Kerkyra, Greece, September 20-27, 1999.
Brandstein, M., Time-Delay Estimation of Reverberated Speech Exploiting Harmonic Structure, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 105(5):2914-2919, 1999.
Brandstein, M., On the Use of Explicit Speech Modeling in Microphone Array Applications, In ICASSP98, pp. 3613–3616, Seattle, WA, IEEE, May 12–15, 1998.
Brandstein, M., On the Use of Explicit Speech Modeling in Microphone Array Applications, In ICASSP98, pp. 3613–3616, Seattle, WA, IEEE, May 12–15, 1998.
Wang, C., Brandstein, M., A Hybrid Real-Time Face Tracking System, In Proceedings of ICASSP98, pp. 3737–3740, Seattle, WA, IEEE, May 12–15, 1998.
Brandstein, M., Silverman, H., A Practical Methodology for Speech Source Localization with Microphone Arrays, Computer, Speech, and Language, 11(2):91–126, April 1997.
Sturim, D., Brandstein, M., Silverman, H., Tracking Multiple Talkers Using Microphone-Array Measurements, In Proceedings of ICASSP97, Munich, Germany, IEEE, April 20–24, 1997.
Brandstein, M., Adcock, J., Silverman, H., A Closed-Form Location Estimator for Use with Room Environment Microphone Arrays, IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Proc., 5(1):45–50, January 1997.
Brandstein, M., A Pitch-Based Approach to Time-Delay Estimation of Reverberant Speech, In 1997 Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, New York, October 19–22, 1997.
Brandstein, M., Adcock, J., Silverman, H., A Localization-Error-Based Method for Microphone-Array Design, In Proceedings of ICASSP96, pp. 901–904, Atlanta, GA, IEEE, May 7–10, 1996.
Brandstein, M., Adcock, J., Silverman, H., Microphone Array Localization Error Estimation with Application to Sensor Placement, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 99(6):3807–3816, 1996.
Brandstein, M., Adcock, J., Silverman, H., A Closed-Form Method for Finding Source Locations from Microphone-Array Time-Delay Estimates, In Proceedings of ICASSP95, IEEE, 1995.
Brandstein, M., A Framework for Speech Source Localization Using Sensor Arrays, PhD thesis, Brown University, Providence, RI, May 1995.
Brandstein, M., Adcock, J., Silverman, H., A Practical Time-Delay Estimator for Localizing Speech Sources with a Microphone Array, Computer, Speech, and Language, 9:153–169, April 1995.
Adcock, J., DiBiase, J., Brandstein, M., Silverman, H., Practical Issues in the Use of a Frequency-Domain Delay Estimator for Microphone-Array Applications, In 128th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Austin, Texas, November 1994.
Brandstein, M., Hardwick, J., Lim, J., The Multi-Band Excitation Speech Coder, In B.S. Atal, V. Cuperman, and A. Gersho, eds, Advances in Speech Coding, pp. 215–224. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991.
Brandstein, M., Monta, P., Hardwick, J., Lim, J., A Real-Time Implementation of the Improved MBE Speech Coder, In Proceedings of ICASSP90, IEEE, pp. 5–8, Albuquerque, NM, April 3–6, 1990.