Richard P. Lippmann
Vuksani, E., Yu, T., Lippmann, R., Moore, T., Riordan, J., Device Dash: An Educational Computer Security Game, Symposium On Usability, Privacy, and Security, Newcastle, UK, July 2013.
Vuksani, E., Moore, T., Yu, T., Lippmann, R., Device Dash: Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating an Educational Computer Security Game, Ruhlman Conference, Wellesley, MA, July 2013.
(Full Paper)
Lippmann, R., Riordan, J., Yu, T., Watson, K., Continuous Security Metrics for Prevalent Network Threats: Introduction and First Four Metrics, Project Report IA-3, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, 22 May 2012.
(Project Report)
Reilly-Raska, L, Su, J., Bisso, P., Braun, J., Evans, B., Greene, N,. Lacirignola, J., Lippmann, R., Quatieri, T., Streilein, W., Vian, T., Multi-Modal Early Detection Interactive Classifier (MEDIC) for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) Triage: FY11 Project Report, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, Technical Report, 17 October 2011.
Lippmann, R., Ingols, K., and Piwowarski, K., Generating a Multiple-Prerequisite Attack Graph, Patent 7,971,252, Issued 28 June 2011.
Laskov, P., Lippmann, R., Machine Learning in Adversarial Environments, Machine Learning Journal, 81, 2010.
(Journal Article)
Carter, K. M., Lippman, R. P., Boyer, S. W., Temporally Oblivious Anomaly Detection on Large Networks Using Functional Peers, Internet Measurement Conference 2010, Melbourne, Australia, 3 November 2010, pp. 465-471.
(Full Paper)
Yu, T., Lippmann, R., Riordan, J., Boyer, S., EMBER: A Global Perspective on Extreme Malicious Behavior, VizSec 2010, Ottawa, Canada, 14 September 2010.
(Full Paper)
Chu, M., Ingols, K., Lippmann, R., Webster, S., Boyer, S., Visualizing Attack Graphs, Reachability, and Trust Relationships with NAVIGATOR, VizSec2010, Ottawa, Canada, 14 September 2010.
(Full Paper)
Ingols, K., Chu, M., Lippmann, R., Boyer, S., Modeling Modern Network Attacks and Countermeasures Using Attack Graphs, ACSAC 2009, Honolulu, HI, Dec. 7, 2009.
(Full Paper)
Maddi, S., McLain, C. D., Cunningham, R. K., Lippmann, R. P., IPsec with Two Encryption Zones and its Security Benefits to Disadvantaged Networks, MILCOM 2008, San Diego, CA. Nov. 17-19, 2008.
Ingols, K., Lippmann, R. P., Webster, S. E., Boyer, S., Chu, M., Practical Experiences Using SCAP to Aggregate CND Data, 4th Annual IT Security Automation Conference, Gaithersburg, MD. Sept. 22, 2008.
Lippmann, R. P., Ingols, K. W., Plugging the Right Holes, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Lexington, MA. July 2008.
(Journal Article)
Studer, A. McLain, C. D., Lippmann, R. P., Tuning Intrusion Detection to Work With a Two Encryption Key Version of IPSEC, MILCOM 2007, Orlando, FL. Oct. 29-31, 2007.
(Full Paper)
Williams, L. C., Lippmann, R. P., Ingols, K. W., An Interactive Attack Graph Cascade and Reachability Display, VIZSEC 2007, Sacramento, CA. Oct. 29, 2007.
(Full Paper)
McLain, C. D., Studer, A., Lippmann, R. P., Making Network Intrusion Detection Work with IPSEC, MIT Lincoln Laboratory TR-1121, Lexington, MA. March 9, 2007.
(Full Paper)
Leek, T.R., Baker, G.Z., Brown, R.E., Zhivich, M.A., Lippman, R.P., Coverage Maximization using Dynamic Taint Tracing. MIT Lincoln Laboratory TR-1112, Lexington, MA. March 2007.
(Full Paper)
Ingols, K., Lippmann, R., Piwowarski, K., Pratical Attack Graph Generation for Network Defense, Computer Security Applications Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, December 11, 2006.
(Full Paper)
Lippmann, R., Ingols, K., Scott, C., Piwowarski, K., Kratkiewicz, K., Cunningham, R., Validating and Restoring Defense in Depth using Attack Graphs, MILCOM 2006, Washington, DC, 23 October 2006.
(Full Paper)
Kratkiewicz, K., Lippmann, R., A Taxonomy of Buffer Overflows for Evaluating Static and Dynamic Software Testing Tools. Proceedings of Workshop on Software Security Assurance Tools, Techniques, and Metrics, NIST Special Publication 500-265, Eds. P. E. Black, M. Kass and E. Fong, National Institute of Standards and Technology, pp. 44–51, 2005.
(Full Paper)
Kratkiewicz, K., Lippmann, R., Using a Diagnostic Corpus of C Programs to Evaluate Buffer Overflow Detection by Static Analysis Tools, Proceedings of Defining the State of the Art in Software Security Tools Workshop, NIST Special Publication 500-264, eds. P. E. Black and E. Fong, National Institute of Standards and Technology, pp. 102–111, 2005.
(Full Paper)
Kratkiewicz, K., Lippmann, R., Using a Diagnostic Corpus of C Programs to Evaluate Buffer Overflow Detection by Static Analysis Tools, BUGS05 Workshop on the Evaluation of Software Defect Detection Tools, Chicago, IL, 2005.
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Lippmann, R., Ingols, K., Evaluating and Strengthening Enterprise Network Security Using Attach Graphs PR-IA-2, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Project Report, 12 August 2005.
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Lippmann, R., Ingols, K., An Annotated Review of Past Papers on Attack Graphs - PR-IA-1, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Project Report, 31 March 2005.
(Full Paper)
Zhivich, M. A., Leek, T., Lippmann, R. P., Dynamic Buffer Overflow Detection Tools. Proceedings of Defining the State of the Art in Software Security Tools Workshop, NIST Special Publication 500-264, Eds. P. Black and E. Fong, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Pages 95-101, August 10, 2005.
(Full Paper)
Zhivich, M. A., Leek, T., Lippmann, R. P., Dynamic Buffer Overflow Detection, BUGS05 Workshop on the Evaluation of Software Defect Detection Tools, Chicago, Illinois, June 12, 2005.
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Zitser, M., Lippmann, R.P., Leek, T., Testing Static Analysis Tools Using Exploitable Buffer Overflows From Open Source Code, Proceedings ACM Sigsoft 2004/FSE Foundations of Software Engineering Conference, 2004.
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Lippmann, R.P., Fried, D., Piwowarski, K., Streilein, W., Passive Operating System Identification from TCP/IP Packet Headers. in Proceedings Workshop on Data Mining for Computer Security (DMSEC), 2003.
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Sheyner, O., Jha S., Haines, J., Lippmann R. P., and Wing, J. M., Automated Generation and Analysis of Attack Graphs, in Proceedings IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2002.
Rossey, L. M., Cunningham, R. K., Fried, D. J., Rabek, J. C., Lippmann, R. P., Haines, J. W., Zissman, M. A., LARIAT: Lincoln Adaptable Real-time Information Assurance Testbed. In Proceedings, 2002 IEEE Aerospace Conference, March 9–16, 2002.
(Full Paper)
Lippmann, R. P., Webster, S. E., and D. Stetson, The Effect of Identifying Vulnerabilities and Patching Software on the Utility of Network Intrusion Detection, in Proceedings of Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 5th International Symposium, RAID 2002, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 2516, A. Wespi, G. Vigna, and L. Deri, Editors, 2002.
(Full Paper)
Cunningham, R. K., Lippmann, R. P., and Webster, S. E., Detecting and Displaying Novel Computer Attacks with Macroscope, IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics, Part A, Vol. 31,(4), pp. 275–281, 2001.
Basu, R., Cunningham, R. K., and Lippmann, R. P., Detecting Low-Profile Probes and Novel Denial-of-Service Attacks, in Proceedings 2nd Annual IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Information Assurance Workshop, West Point, NY, 2001.
Haines, J. W., Lippmann, R. P., Fried, D. J., Zissman, M. A., Tran E., and Boswell, S. B., 1999 DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation: Design and Procedures, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Technical Report, TR-1062, Lexington, MA, 26 February 2001.
(Full Paper)
Haines, J. A., Rossey, L. M., Lippmann, R. P., and Cunningham R. K., Extending the DARPA Off-Line Intrusion Detection Evaluations, in Proceedings DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition (DISCEX) II, Anaheim, CA: IEEE Computer Society, 2001.
Lippmann, R. P., Haines, J. W., Fried, D. J., Korba, J., and Das, K., Analysis and Results of the 1999 DARPA Off-Line Intrusion Detection Evaluation. Third International Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID 2000), Toulouse, France, 2000.
Lippmann, R. P., Haines, J. W., Fried, D. J., Korba, J., and Das, K., The 1999 DARPA Off-Line Intrusion Detection Evaluation. Computer Networks, In Press, 2000.
Lippmann, R. P., David J. Fried, Isaac Graf, Joshua W. Haines, Kristopher R. Kendall, David McClung, Dan Weber, Seth E. Webster, Dan Wyschogrod, Robert K. Cunningham, and Marc A. Zissman, Evaluating Intrusion Detection Systems: The 1998 DARPA Off-line Intrusion Detection Evaluation , Proceedings DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition (DISCEX) 2000, Vol. 2, pp. 12–26, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2000.
(Full Paper)
Lippmann, R. P. and Cunningham, R. K., Using Key-String Selection and Neural Networks to Reduce False Alarms and Detect New Attacks with Sniffer-Based Intrusion Detection Systems. Second International Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID 1999), West Lafayette, IN, 1999.
Lippmann, R. P., Cunningham, R. K., Fried, D. J., Graf, I., Kendall, K. R., Webster, S. W., and Zissman, M., Results of the 1999 DARPA Off-Line Intrusion Detection Evaluation. Second International Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID 1999), West Lafayette, IN, 1999.
Cunningham, Robert K., Richard P. Lippmann, David J. Fried, Simson L. Garfinkel, Isaac Graf, Kris R. Kendall, Seth E. Webster, Dan Wyschogrod, and Marc A. Zissman, Evaluating Intrusion Detection Systems without Attacking your Friends: The 1998 DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation, in Proceedings ID '99, Third Conference and Workshop on Intrusion Detection and Response, San Diego, CA: SANS Institute, 1999.
Lippmann, R. P., R. K. Cunningham, D. J. Fried, S. L. Garfinkel, A. S. Gorton, I. Graf, K. R. Kendall, D. J. McClung, D. J. Weber, S. E. Webster, D. Wyschogrod, M. A. Zissman The 1998 DARPA/AFRL Off-Line Intrusion Detection Evaluation, First International Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 1998.
Lippmann, R. P., Dan Wyschogrod, Seth E. Webster, Dan J. Weber, and Sam Gorton, Using Bottleneck Verification to Find Novel New Attacks with a Low False-Alarm Rate, First International Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 1998.
Lippmann, R. P., Speech Recognition by Machines and Humans, Speech Communication, 1997, 22(1).
Lippmann, R. P., Shahian, D.M., Coronary Artery Bypass Risk Prediction Using Neural Networks, Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 63, 1635–1643, 1997.
Lazzaro, J., Wawrzynek, J., Lippmann, R., Micropower Analog Circuit Implementation of Hidden Markov Model State Decoding, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 32(8), pp. 1200–1209, 1997.
Lippmann, R. P., Carlson, B. A., Speech Recognition by Humans and Machines Under Conditions with Severe Channel Variability and Noise, Applications and Science of Artificial Neural Networks, Edited by S. Rogers and D. Ruck, SPIE: Orlando, Florida, 1997.
Chang, E. I., Lippmann, R.P., High-Performance Low-Complexity Wordspotting Using Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, In Press, 1997.
Lippmann, R.P., Speech Recognition by Humans and Machines: Miles to Go Before We Sleep, Speech Communications, 18(3), 247–248, 1996.
Lippmann, R. P., Accurate Consonant Perception Without Mid-Frequency Speech Energy, IEEE Transations on Speech and Audio Processing, 4(1) pp. 66–69. 1996.
Lippmann, R.P., Kukolich, L., Shahian D., Predicting the Risk of Complications in Coronary Artery Bypass Operations Using Neural Networks, in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7, G. Tesauro, D. Touretzky, and T. Leen, eds., Morgan Kaufmann: San Mateo, CA, pp. 1055–1062. 1995.
Lippmann, R.P., Chang, E.I., Jankowski, C.R., Wordspotter Training Using Figure-Of-Merit Back-Propagation, in International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, Adelaide, Australia. 1994.
Lippmann, R.P., An Introduction to Computing with Neural Nets, IEEE Acoustical Speech and Signal Processing Magazine, 4, 4–22, 1987. Reprinted in Neural Networks: Theoretical Foundations and Analysis, Edited by Clifford Lau, IEEE Press, 1992. Also reprinted in Optical Neural Networks, Edited by S. Jutamulia, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, 1994.
Lippmann, R.P., Neural Networks, Bayesian a posteriori Probabilities and Pattern Classification, in From Statistics to Neural Networks. Theory and PatternRecognition Applications, V. Cherkassky, J.H. Friedman, and H. Wechsler, eds., Springer-Verlag. 1994.
Lippmann, R.P., Kukolich, L., and Singer, E. LNKnet: Neural Network, Machine-Learning, and Statistical Software for Pattern Classification, Lincoln Laboratory Journal, 6(2) pp. 249–268. 1993.
(Journal Article)
Richard, M. D. and Lippmann, R. P., Neural Network Classifiers Estimate Bayesian a posteriori Probabilities, Neural Computation, 3, pp. 461–483. 1991.
Ng, Kenney and Richard P. Lippmann, A Comparative Study of the Practical Characteristics of Neural Network and Conventional Pattern Classifiers, Neural Information Processing Systems 3, Edited by R. Lippmann, J. Moody, and D. Touretzky, Morgan Kaufmann: San Mateo, California, pp. 970–976, 1991.
Lippmann, R.P., Review of Neural Networks for Speech Recognition, Neural Computation, 1, 1-38, 1989. Reprinted in Readings in Speech Recognition, Edited by Alex Waibel and Kai-Fu Lee, Morgan Kaufmann, 1991.
Chang, E. I., Lippmann, R. P., Tong, D. W., Using Genetic Algorithms to Select and Create Features for Pattern Classification, Proceedings International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San Diego, CA, III:747–752, 1990.
Lee, Yuchun and Richard P. Lippmann, Practical Characteristics of Neural Network and Conventional Pattern Classifiers on Artificial and Speech Problems, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2, Edited by D.S. Touretzky, Morgan Kaufman: San Mateo, CA, 1990.
Lippmann, Richard P., Pattern Classification Using Neural Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, 27(11), pp. 47–54, 1989.
Pearson, J., Lippmann, R. DARPA Neural Network Study - Chapter II: Adaptive Knowledge Processing, AFCEA International Press, Fairfax, VA, 55–178, 1988.
Martin, Edward A., Richard P. Lippmann, and Douglas B. Paul, Two-Stage Discriminant Analysis for Improved Isolated-Word Recognition, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 709–712, 1987.
Lippmann, R. P., An Introduction to Computing with Neural Nets, ASSP Magazine, IEEE , Volume 4, Number 2, p. 2-24, Apr 1987.
(Journal Article)
Lippmann, Richard P. and Ed A. Martin, Multi-Style Training for Robust Isolated-Word Speech Recognition, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 705–708, 1987.
Paul, D. B., Lippmann, R. P. et al., Robust HMM-Based Techniques for Recognition of Speech Produced Under Stress and in Noise, Speech Tech 86, New York, 1986.
Lippmann, R. P., New Routing and Preemption Algorithms for Circuit Switched Networks, Proceedings MILCOM '85, 1985.
Lippmann, R. P., Routing Algorithm Development and Evaluation for Circuit-Switched Mixed-Media Networks, Proceedings ORSA/TIMS Conference, 1984.
Lippmann, R. P., Survivable Routing Procedures for Circuit-Switched Satellite-Terrestrial Networks, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1983.
Lippmann, R.P., Review of Research on Speech Training Aids for the Deaf, Speech and Language: Advances in Basic Research and Practice, Edited by N. Lass, Academic Press: pp. 105133, 1982.
Lippmann, Richard P. and Doug Adams, A 1/3 Octave-Band Noise Generator for Sound-Field Audiometric Measurements, Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, pp. 84–88, 1982.
Osberger, M. J., Lippmann, R. P. et al., Computer-Assisted Instruction for the Hearing Impaired, Journal of the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, pp. 145–158, 1981.
Lippmann, Richard P., Detecting Nasalization Using a Low-Cost Miniature Accelerometer, Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 314–317, 1981.
Lippmann, R. P., Braida, L. D., Durlach, N. I., A Study of Multichannel Amplitude Compression and Linear Amplification for Persons with Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 524–534, 1981.
Lippmann, R. P., Review of Recent Research on the Selection of Frequency-Gain Characteristics for Hearing Aids, Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology, 79–83, 1980.
Kelly, W. J., Lippmann, R. P., Group-Vote Rules for Adaptive Psychological Testing, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 906–908, 1979.
Braida, L. D., Durlach, N. I., Lippmann, R. P., Hicks, H. L., Rabinowitz, W. M., Reed, C.W., Hearing Aids: A Review of Past Hearing Aid Research on Linear Amplification, Amplitude Compression, and Frequency Lowering, Monograph No. 19. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 1979.
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