Vineet Mehta
Mehta, V., Reynolds, T., Ishutkina, M., Joachim, D., Glina, Y., Troxel, S., Taylor, B., Evans, J., Airport Surface Traffic Management Decision Support: Perspectives Based on Tower Flight Data Manager Prototype, Project Report ATC-398, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, May 2013.
Mehta, V., Patel, F., Glina, Y., Schmidt, M., Miller, B., Bliss, N.,
Characterization of Traffic and Structure in the U.S. Airport Network,
Conference on Intelligent Data Understanding, Boulder, CO, Oct 2012.
Mehta, V., Campbell, S., Kuchar, J., Moser, W., Reynolds, H., Reynolds, T.,
Seater, R., The Tower Flight Data Manager Prototype System, Digital Avionics
Systems Conference (DASC), Seattle, Washington, October 2011.
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