HPEC 2005 |
To assist in your participation at HPEC 2005, we request that you submit the following information:
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Invited speaker's biography | Email
to mustoh@ll.mit.edu by 30 August 2005 |
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Electronic version of presentation viewgraphs (Microsoft Power Point format): Presentation/Viewgraph Guidelines | Email
to mustoh@ll.mit.edu by 30 August 2005 |
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Disclosure Authorization Form to publish the presentation viewgraphs in the Proceedings | Fax
to Holly Musto at 781-981-2517 by 30 August 2005 |
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Copyright Release Form for the presentation viewgraphs | Fax
to Holly Musto at 781-981-2517 by 30 August 2005 |
If the above information and materials are not received by these deadlines, the presentation cannot be included in the Workshop Proceedings.
The workshop sponsors and participants appreciate clear and legible presentations. In addition, the presentations themselves will constitute the published proceedings. Therefore presenters are required to submit charts of the highest quality. Toward the goal of consistent quality and legibility, we ask that presenters adhere to the following guidelines when preparing their viewgraphs.
Complete guideline package available in pdf.
- Set regular text using a bold 18-point font. A bold sans serif font such as Helvetica is preferred for its readability in a large auditorium.
- Other sized fonts may be used as necessary, such as bold 24-point for titles, bold 16-point for sub-points, etc. However, do not use a font size smaller than 14-point, and always use bold fonts.
- Visually center all viewgraphs within a 9" by 7" area, with at least a 1/4 inch margin inside the frame.
- Orient the viewgraphs horizontally (landscape).
- Limit your viewgraphs to 10 lines of text. Wider comprehension is aided by succinct visuals.
Graphs and Tables
- Use 2-point rules for curves. Do not use line widths smaller than 1-point anywhere on graphs or tables.
- The same rules for fonts above applies to text within all graphs and tables. It is recommended that axis labels and table headings be set with at least a 16-point font.
- Ensure that all images such as photographs, artwork, etc., can be photocopied legibly. High contrast images are more easily reproduced.
- Ensure that all text appearing in the image is large and legible.
Last modified: August 3, 2005
© MIT Lincoln Laboratory. All rights reserved.