The workshop will give U.S. government-funded researchers from academia, industry, and government working in this important area an opportunity to discuss techniques, approaches, and ongoing developments with relevance to real-time embedded computing and related military applications. During its fourteenth year, the HPEC 2010 workshop will have as its theme:
Custom clouds & general purpose GPUs: their impact on DoD applications.
Special Notice
• Multicore Matlab Tutorial | 14 September 2010 |
• VSIPL++ Tutorial | 14 September 2010 |
Registration is limited. Sign up early! |
Mission Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Peter Lee / DARPA TCTO
Technology Keynote Speaker:
Mr. Robert Bond / MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Banquet Speaker:
Prof. Rahul Sarpeshkar / MIT EECS
Invited Speakers:
Dr. Patrick Dreher / University of North Carolina
Prof. Rahul Sarpeshkar / MIT EECS
Dr. Piotr Luszczek / University of Tennesee
Dr. Allan Snavely / San Diego Supercomputing Center
Mr. Richard Schooler / Tilera
Dr. Robert Lucas / USC ISI
Panel Session: ISR Clouds
Distinguished Panelists:
Dr. Patrick Dreher, Renaissance Computing Institute
Ms. Diane Gibson, Cray Inc.
Dr. Jeremy Kepner, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Mr. Chris Rezendes, VDC Research
Dr. Niraj Srivastava, Raytheon
Important Dates and Information
Workshop dates: | 15–16 September 2010 |
Banquet date: | 15 September 2010 |
Abstracts submission deadline: | 20 May 2010, Extended to 27 May 2010 |
Notification of acceptance: | 25 June 2010 |
Copyright Release form due: | 9 August 2010 |
Disclosure Authorization form due: | 9 August 2010 |
Foreign Visit Authorization form due: | 6 August 2010 |
Registration and Banquet forms due: ($220.00 Workshop only; $265.00 Workshop and Banquet) |
3 September 2010 |