2005 Technical Excellence Award Recipients
Dr. John J. Zayhowski
For his sustained technical contributions, both research and engineering, in the area of microchip lasers for advanced sensing applications.
Dr. John J. Zayhowski is a senior staff member in the Quantum Electronics Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. He received a joint MS and BS degree in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT. In 1986, he completed his PhD degree in electrical engineering at MIT as a Hertz Fellow. Dr. Zayhowski has worked on semiconductor devices, solid-state lasers, nonlinear optics, and electro-optic systems. His current focus is on the development of robust miniature solid-state laser systems. His work has resulted in 16 U.S. patents and the formation of four companies.
He is a corecipient of a 1998 R&D 100 Award for the CyraxTM portable laser mapping and imaging system. He is a winner of two MIT Team Awards (2001/02 for the Biological Aerosol Warning Sensor and 2002/03 for 3D ladar). In 2004, he received a Certificate of Appreciation recognizing exceptional service to the Joint Program Manager NBC Contamination Avoidance and Joint Program Manager for Biological Detection.
Dr. Zayhowski has published extensively on microchip and miniature lasers. At Lincoln Laboratory, he was a member of the Advanced Concepts Committee, serving as Chairman in 1999/2000, and of the New Technology Initiatives Board. Currently, he is Program Chair for the 2006 Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics and the Optics Letters' topical editor for lasers.
Dr. William S. Song
For his technical excellence in pushing the boundaries of radar systems by developing new components and processes to exploit digital technologies.
Dr. William S. Song is a senior staff member in the Embedded Digital Systems Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. He received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1982, 1984, and 1989, respectively. Since his arrival at Lincoln Laboratory in 1990, Dr. Song has been working on high-performance sensor systems and VLSI signal processor technologies for adaptive sensor array applications. He has developed numerous advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, real-time embedded processors, and sensor array systems. Recently, he has been working on the nonlinear equalization processor, mixed-signal system on chip, high-throughput low-power VLSI signal processors, and highly digitized wideband sensor arrays.
Dr. Song has been the technical director for a number of programs, including the receiver-on-chip, wideband linearity enhancement processor, X-band element-level digitized sensor array, space-based radar onboard signal processor, high-dynamic-range digital receiver, adaptive digital beamformer processor, and miniaturized mixed-signal receiver/processor programs. He has also designed a series of high-performance special-purpose signal processor ICs for these applications. His accomplishments include 6 U.S. patents, 17 invention disclosures, and 18 publications. He is also an IEEE Senior Member.
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