Summary of Firewall Configuration for LLS_DDOS_1.0
The firewall is a Sidewinder Firewall, version 5.0, running on a Dell platform.
For LLS_DDOS_1.0 it is configured so that:
- Many tcp and udp connections and ports are allowd through the firewall in
both directions. Services include but are not limited to: telnet, ftp, the r-commands, smtp, http, ssh,
DNS, and ICMP.
- All TCP and UDP sessions are proxied. This means that high-numbered TCP and UDP port numbers
are not going to be the same on both sides of the firewall for a given session.
- Network address translation is not performed. Thus the outside sniffer will see the true inside
IP addresses and the inside sniffer will see the true outside IP addresses. (although port numbers
will be remapped, as above.)