Index of BSM Audit Sessions in this Dataset

This page provide a quick-and-dirty interface to scan the audit sessions that exist in this particular BSM logfile.
The table lists every audit session found in the BSM file. For each session audit records are segmented out in text (praudit -l) format. In the future, it might certainly be desireable to generate these same lists of packets, but in binary format. At this point in time we are still working on a good way to do that.

Session: 0 Records in this session: (praudit format)
Session: 1196 Records in this session: (praudit format) Corresponding Records from Session 0: (praudit format)
Session: 1208 Attack Records in this session: (praudit format) Corresponding Records from Session 0: (praudit format)
Session: 1230 Records in this session: (praudit format) Corresponding Records from Session 0: (praudit format)
Session: 1251 Records in this session: (praudit format)
Session: 2839 Records in this session: (praudit format) Corresponding Records from Session 0: (praudit format)
Session: 349 Records in this session: (praudit format)
Session: 514 Records in this session: (praudit format) Corresponding Records from Session 0: (praudit format)
Session: 526 Records in this session: (praudit format) Corresponding Records from Session 0: (praudit format)
Session: 616 Attack Records in this session: (praudit format) Corresponding Records from Session 0: (praudit format)
Session: 655 Attack Records in this session: (praudit format) Corresponding Records from Session 0: (praudit format)