HPEC 2002

Preliminary Agenda

Your participation in HPEC 2002 requires you to submit the following information.  Please submit all information by the stated deadlines.

WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Session Chair's full name Email to jdaneu@ll.mit.edu by
23 August 2002

WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Electronic version of presentation viewgraphs (Power Point format): Presentation/Viewgraph Guidelines Email to jdaneu@ll.mit.edu by
30 August 2002

WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Registration Form Fax to Jane Daneu at
781-981-2517 by

6 September 2002

WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Banquet Reservation Form Mail to Jane Daneu at
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Room C-385
Lexington, MA  02420-9108

6 September 2002

WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Authorization Disclosure Form to publish the presentation viewgraphs in the Proceedings Fax to Jane Daneu at
781-981-2517 by

6 September 2002

WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Copyright Release Form Fax to Jane Daneu at
781-981-2517 by

6 September 2002

Presentation Guidelines

The workshop sponsors and participants appreciate clear and legible presentations. In addition, the presentations themselves will constitute the published proceedings. Therefore presenters are required to submit charts of the highest quality. Toward the goal of consistent quality and legibility, we ask that presenters adhere to the following guidelines when preparing their viewgraphs.

Complete guideline package available in pdf.





Graphs and Tables




For more information regarding HPEC 2002, please visit our web site at www.ll.mit.edu/hpec


Last modified: July 11, 2002
© MIT Lincoln Laboratory. All rights reserved.