HPEC 2001 Workshop Preliminary Agenda |
Tuesday, 27
Wednesday, 28 November
Thursday, 29 November
Tuesday, 27 November | |
0730 | Check-In & Continental Breakfast |
0830 | Welcome David Briggs / MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
0835 | Keynote Address Options for Embedded Systems Gordon Bell / Microsoft |
0905 | Opening Remarks Robert Bond / Jeremy Kepner / MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
0915 | Session
1: Emerging Technologies Richard Games / MITRE |
0925 | Invited Speaker A DoD Perspective on High Performance Computing John Grosh / OSD |
0955 | Application
Requirements Analysis for Polymorphous Computing Architectures Janice McMahon / MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
1025 | Break |
1040 | Invited
Speaker SERIAL RapidIO Douglas Endo / Raytheon |
1110 | Invited
Speaker Infiniband Architecture and Application to HPEC Robert Zak / Sun Microsystems |
1140 | Poster
Session A: System Applications Joseph Germann / Sky Computers |
Poster Session A Précis |
Poster A.1 | Computational
Analysis and Proposed Mapping for the Next Generation Mk 48 Heavyweight
Torpedo Embedded Processor Masahiro Arakawa / MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
Poster A.2 | Fault
Tolerant Signal and Data Processing in Missile Defense Radars Jay Cooper / Raytheon Robert Oravits / United States Army Space and Missile Defense Christopher Barnes / Georgia Tech Research Institute |
Poster A.3 | Dependence
of Recognition Accuracy on Available Network Bandwidth Michael Devore / Washington University Joseph O'Sullivan / Washington University Roger Chamberlain / Washington University Mark Franklin / Washington University |
Poster A.4 | Parallel
ATR Evaluation on NOW and Embedded Multiprocessor Systems Gil Ettinger / ALPHATECH, Inc. Monica Burke / ALPHATECH, Inc. |
Poster A.5 | Scalability
of Embedded Automatic Target Recognition Algorithms Paul Harmer / AFRL / SNAS Tracey Smith / AFRL / SNAS Terry McClurg / CSC |
Poster A.6 | Fault-Tolerance
for Matrix and Signal Processing Applications Daniel Katz / Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Poster A.7 | Metric-Based
Searches for Best Bands in Hyperspectral Imaging Nirmal Keshava / MIT Lincoln Laboratory Gary Shaw / MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
Poster A.8 | Parallel
Multiple Hypothesis Tracker Thomas Kurien / Mercury Computer Systems |
Poster A.9 | Dynamic
Workload Scheduling in a Parallel Radar Signal Processor James Lebak / MIT Lincoln Laboratory Glenn Schrader / MIT Lincoln Laboratory Jim Daly / MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
Poster A.10 | Floating
Point Utilization of Commodity Processor SIMD Extensions for SIP
Applications Richard Linderman / AFRL Jules Bergmann / AFRL Dennis Fitzgerald / AFRL |
Poster A.11 | Video
Processing for Defense Surveillance Applications Rick Post / Agile Vision LLC Arlan Pool / Mercury Computer Systems Scott Thieret / Mercury Computer Systems |
Poster A.12 | A
Givens Rotation Based VLSI Bit-Level Systolic Sample Matrix Inversion
Architecture Daniel Rabinkin / MIT Lincoln Laboratory William Song / MIT Lincoln Laboratory Michael Vai / MIT Lincoln Laboratory Huy Nguyen / MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
1235 | Lunch |
1345 | Session
2: New Applications Daniel Katz / Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
1355 | Signal
/ Data Processor Implementation and Parallel Algorithms for Real-Time
Wide-Angle Foliage Penetration (FOPEN) SAR Image Formation Atindra Mitra / AFRL Paul Maloney / Solers, Inc. Dana Weick / Lockheed Martin Joseph Germann / Sky Computers |
1425 | Parallel
Matched-Field Tracking (MFT) for Distributed Deployable Systems Jeong-Hae Han / University of Florida Byungll Koh / University of Florida Alan George / University of Florida Keonwood Kim / University of Florida |
1455 | A
Case for Utilizing Commercial Products for Radar Control Computing Jeffrey Truslow / NSWC DD |
1525 | Break |
1550 | Flexible
Architecture for Hyperspectral Image Processing on Reconfigurable
Computers Anthony Nelson / Los Alamos National Laboratory Kevin McCabe / Los Alamos National Laboratory |
1620 | Wideband
Networked Sensors Processing Joseph Usoff / MIT Lincoln Laboratory Bill Beavers / MIT Lincoln Laboratory Jennifer Cox / MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
1650 | Adjourn |
1700 | Reception |
1800 | Banquet Speaker Computing with Life Thomas Knight / MIT AI Lab |
1845 | Banquet |
Wednesday, 28 November | |
0730 | Check-In & Continental Breakfast |
0830 | Announcements Robert Bond / Jeremy Kepner / MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
0835 | Invited
Speaker Matlab on Many Computers Cleve Moler / The Mathworks |
0905 | Session
Matlab / Simulink on Many Processors Stan Ahalt / Ohio State |
0915 | Parallel
Matlab Alan Edelman / MIT Ron Choy / MIT |
0930 | Heterogeneous
Cluster Computing (HCC) Cosmo Castellano / Integrated Sensors, Inc. Edward McDermott / Integrated Sensors, Inc. |
0945 | Parallel
Programming with MatlabMPI Jeremy Kepner / MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
1000 | Break |
1015 | Session
4: Reconfigurable Computing Robert Bernecky / NUWC |
1025 | Optimized
Compilation of Embedded Applications on FPGAs Wim Bohm / Colorado State University Bruce Draper / Colorado State University Walid Najjar / Colorado State University Jeff Hammes / Colorado State University Charlie Ross / Colorado State University Monica Chawathe / Colorado State University |
1055 | Debugging
Techniques for FPGA-Based Configurable Computing Systems Brent Nelson / Brigham Young University Brad Hutchings / Brigham Young University Michael Wirthlin / Brigham Young University |
1125 | Employing
Reconfigurable Hardware in a Networked Environment Miriam Leeser / Northeastern University Heather Quinn / Northeastern University Laurie Smith King / College of the Holy Cross |
1155 | Poster
Session B: Hardware / System Technologies Henk Spaanenburg / Mercury Computer Systems |
Poster Session B Précis | |
Poster B.1 | Reconfigurable
Embedded Computing in Electronic Warfare Systems Byron Coker / Georgia Tech Research Institute Michael Kopp / Georgia Tech Research Institute Michael Willis / Georgia Tech Research Institute |
Poster B.2 | Embedded
Real-Time Signal Processing: A Distributed Memory Multicomputer
Architecture with Low Latency, Flexible Data Distribution Michael Harris / BAE Systems IEWS Mark Law / BAE Systems IEWS Todd Birkebak / BAE Systems IEWS |
Poster B.3 | Field Programmable Gate Arrays for Signal Processing Matthew Krzych / NUWC |
Poster B.4 | Parameterized
K-means Clustering for Rapid Hardware Development to Accelerate Analysis
of Satellite Data Miriam Leeser / Northeastern University Pavle Belanovic / Northeastern University Michael Estlick / Northeastern University Maya Gokhale / Los Alamos National Laboratory John Szymanski / Los Alamos National Laboratory James Theiler / Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Poster B.5 | DG2VHDL:
A Suite of Tool for Synthesizing VLSI Array Architectures Elias Manolakos / Northeastern University Andrew Stone / Northeastern University |
Poster B.6 | Simulated
Radar Returns in Field Programmable Gate Arrays Christopher Parris / Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division Ronald Stapleton / Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division |
Poster B.7 | A
New Data Distribution for Parallel LU Decomposition Thomas Steck / Johns Hopkins University Gerard Meyer / Johns Hopkins University |
Poster B.8 | An
Application of Reconfigurable Front-End Processors in Scalable Embedded
Systems for Lidar Based Mine Detection Madhu Thoguluva / Northrop Grumman |
Poster B.9 | Mission
Specific Signal Processing (MSSP) Custom Core Technology Michael Vai / MIT Lincoln Laboratory Huy Nguyen / MIT Lincoln Laboratory William Song / MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
1250 | Lunch |
1400 | Session 5:
Advanced Hardware Kenneth Teitelbaum / MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
1410 | An
0.25 Micron SOI Transposable Memory with Built-in Self-Test Circuitry Jay Brockman / University of Notre Dame Bedros Hanounik / University of Notre Dame Peter Kogge / University of Notre Dame |
1440 | PIM-
and Stream Processor-Based Systems Jinwoo Suh / University of Southern California Changping Li / University of Southern California Steve Crago / University of Southern California Robert Parker / University of Southern California |
1510 | The
Raw Processor: A Composable 32-Bit Fabric for Embedded and General Purpose
Computing Michael Taylor / MIT Jason Kim / MIT Jason Miller / MIT Fae Ghodrat / MIT Ben Greenwald / MIT Paul Johnson / MIT Walter Lee / MIT Albert Ma / MIT Nathan Shnidman / MIT David Wentzlaff / MIT Matt Frank / MIT Saman Amarasinghe / MIT Anant Agarwal / MIT |
1540 | Break |
1605 | Performance
Evaluation of a Reconfigurable, Embedded Photonic Multiring
Interconnection Network Roger Chamberlain / Washington University Mark Franklin / Washington University Praveen Krishnamurthy / Washington University |
1635 | How
High Performance Computing May Enhance the Magnetospheric Multi Scale
Mission Michael Rilee / Emergent IT Steven Curtis / NASA Scott Boardsen / Emergent IT Maharaj Bhat / Emergent IT |
1705 | Invited
Speaker Computing Biology John Reynders / Celera Genomics |
1735 | Adjourn |
Thursday, 29 November | |
0730 | Check-In & Continental Breakfast |
0830 | Announcements Robert Bond / Jeremy Kepner / MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
0835 | Invited
Speaker Network Centric Warfare and the Role of Embedded Computing Thomas Elliott / DSR |
0905 | Session
6: Software Standards Rick Pancoast / Lockheed Martin |
0915 | Status
of the Vector,
Signal, and Image Processing Library (VSIPL) Mark Richards / Georgia Tech Research Institute Randall Judd / SPAWAR Systems Center James Lebak / MIT Lincoln Laboratory Rick Pancoast / Lockheed Martin Dan Campbell / Georgia Tech Research Institute |
0930 | Data
Parallel CORBA Status James Kulp / Mercury Computer Systems |
0945 | Data
Reorganization Interface (DRI) Kenneth Cain, Jr. / Mercury Computer Systems Anthony Skjellum / MPI Software Technology |
1000 | Software
Communications Architecture (SCA) Jeffrey Smith / Mercury Computer Systems S. Murat Bicer / Mercury Computer Systems |
1015 | Break |
1030 | Session
7: Advanced Software Ralph Kohler / AFRL |
1040 | Measuring
CORBA Performance for HPEC Algorithms Bill Beckwith / Objective Interface Systems, Inc. |
1110 | Generating
Platform-Adapted DSP Libraries Using SPIRAL Jose Moura / Carnegie Mellon University Jeremy Johnson / Drexel University Robert Johnson / MathStar Inc. D. Padua / University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign Viktor Prasanna / University of Southern California Markus Pueschel / Carnegie Mellon University Bryan Singer / Carnegie Mellon University Manuela Veloso / Carnegie Mellon University Jianxin Xiong / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
1140 | S3P:
Automatic, Optimized Mapping of Signal Processing Applications to Parallel
Architectures Hank Hoffmann / MIT Lincoln Laboratory Jeremy Kepner / MIT Lincoln Laboratory Robert Bond / MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
1210 | Poster
Session C: Software / System Technologies Bill Bent / CSPI |
Poster Session C Précis |
Poster C.1 | Customizable
Middleware for Networks of Embedded Systems Gul Agha / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Po-Hao Chang / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Koushik Sen / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Reza Ziaei / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Poster C.2 | The
Acoustic Analysis Workbench Keith Bromley / SPAWAR Robert Dukelow / SPAWAR Jerry Symanski / SPAWAR |
Poster C.3 | Automatic
Vectorization for AltiVec John Carbone / Green Hills Software, Inc. |
Poster C.4 | A
Model Integrated Simulation Integration Framework James Davis / ISIS / Vanderbilt University Akos Ledeczi / ISIS / Vanderbilt University Sandeep Neema / ISIS / Vanderbilt University Brandon Eames / ISIS / Vanderbilt University Viktor Prasanna / University of Southern California Cauligi Raghavendra / University of Southern California Amol Bakshi / University of Southern California Sumit Mohanty / University of Southern California Vaibhav Mathur / University of Southern California Mitali Singh / University of Southern California |
Poster C.5 | Profile-Guided
Optimization Targeting High Performance Embedded Applications David Kaeli / Northeastern University Jeffrey Smith / Mercury Computer Systems S. Murat Bicer / Northeastern University Efe Yardimci / Northeastern University |
Poster C.6 | JavaPorts:
An Environment for the Rapid Prototyping of Heterogeneous Network-Centric
Distributed Processing Applications Elias Manolakos / Northeastern University Demetris Galatopoullos / Northeastern University Andy Funk / Northeastern University |
Poster C.7 | SAGETM:
A Multiple Platform Software Development and Integration Environment
Diverse Applications Minesh Patel / Honeywell Space Systems Matthew Clark / Honeywell International John Samson, Jr. / Honeywell Space Systems |
Poster C.8 | Open
Standards and Source Advantages to the High Performance Embedded Computers
Industry Stephen Prause / CSPI |
Poster C.9 | Software
Tools for High Performance Embedded Computing System Design and Code
Generation Christopher Robbins / MCCI |
Poster C.10 | Advanced
VSIPL Computations Using C++ Anthony Skjellum / MPI Software Technology Gary Boudreaux / MPI Software Software Technology |
Poster C.11 | VSIPL/ERI:
Enhanced Reference Implementation of the Core VSIPL Library Anthony Skjellum / MPI Software Technology Gary Boudreaux / MPI Software Technology Tim Campbell / Logicon Walter Schakelford / Logicon Howard Cohl / Logicon |
Poster C.12 | Implementation
of the Intelligent Detector-Tracker Algorithm on Embedded Hardware
Connected to a Local Area Network James Steed / Blue Horizon Development Software William Lundgren / Blue Horizon Development Software Kerry Barnes / Blue Horizon Development Software Doug Rawson-Harris / Thomson Marconi Sonar Limited Roger Benton / Thomas Marconi Sonar Limited Rob Taylor / Thomson Marconi Sonar Limited |
1305 | Lunch |
1415 | Session
8: Fault Tolerance Craig Lund / Mercury Computer Systems |
1425 | MPI/FTTM:
Enabling Technology for High Performance, High Availability Embedded User
Applications Murali Beddhu / MPI Software Technology Anthony Skjellum / MPI Software Technology Rajanikanth Batchu / Mississippi State University |
1455 | Commodity
Based, High Availability Radar Signal ProcessingI Joseph Caruso / Computer Sciences Corporation |
1525 | Application
Level Fault Tolerance and Detection Eric Ciocca / University of Massachusetts Israel Koren / University of Massachusetts C.M. Krishna / University of Massachusetts |
1555 | Break |
1620 | Invited
Speaker Export Control of High Performance Computing: Analysis and Future Directions John Grosh / OSD |
1650 | Session
9: Advanced Systems (U.S. Only) Philip Sementilli / Raytheon |
1700 | Standards-Based
Real-Time Embedded High Performance Computing: Common Imagery Processor Brian Sroka / MITRE David Szakovits / Northrop Grumman |
1730 | Lessons
Learned in the Testbed Development of a High Performance, High
Availability Radar Signal Processing System Using COTS Hardware and
Software Standards Nathan Doss / Lockheed Martin Michael Iaquinto / Lockheed Martin |
1800 | High
Performance COTS Computing with a Two Microsecond Latency Budget: A
Challenge to Embedded Processing Standards Charles Kuning / Northrop Grumman |
1830 | Adjourn |